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Social and Affordable Housing Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 January 2018

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Questions (1761)

Maurice Quinlivan


1761. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the planned number of social housing units to be built or purchased in County Limerick in 2018. [1205/18]

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Through the supports made available under Rebuilding Ireland, funding is available to all local authorities to deliver additional social housing stock through new construction projects and through the acquisition of new and previously owned houses/apartments for social housing use, including through working with approved housing bodies. Details on the number of properties purchased and built in all local authority areas, are available on my Department’s website at the following link:  Information on quarter four of 2017 is currently being finalised and will be published thereafter.

In relation to social housing delivery for 2018 and beyond, for Limerick City & County Council as well as other local authorities, this will be in line with their targets under Rebuilding Ireland.  I will be discussing these targets with the local authority Chief Executives at a Housing Summit I am holding with them next week, after which the targets will be published.

In relation to social housing construction activity in general, my Department publishes status reports on a quarterly basis, of social housing construction schemes for all local authority areas, showing details such as their locations and a range of information relating to their advancement. The most recent of these reports covers the period up to the end of quarter 3 of 2017. The report can be accessed at the following link:
