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JobPath Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 January 2018

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Questions (172)

Catherine Murphy


172. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if a person who completes a 52 week programme for JobPath that has failed to find employment can be referred back to the JobPath programme for a further 52 weeks; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3552/18]

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All Jobseekers on the live register must be capable of available for and actively seeking full time employment, they are also required to engage with the Department’s activation services. The Social Welfare (Consolidated) Act 2005, as amended, specifies that participation in activation meetings is mandatory.

JobPath is provided for long term unemployed jobseekers only and those referred are chosen by means of a random selection process. Protocols for selection currently preclude the selection of anyone who has already completed 52 weeks on the JobPath programme within the previous four months.

If, at the end of this four month period the jobseeker is not engaged with one of the other activation supports and services, they then become eligible for selection for a second referral to the JobPath service.

Jobseekers who are referred for a second time will have already achieved progress during their previous engagement, their personal advisor will assist them to agree a new personal progression plan which will build further on that progress with the aim of moving from jobseeker’s support to sustainable employment.

I trust this clarifies matters for the Deputy.
