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Defence Forces

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 January 2018

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Questions (22)

James Browne


22. Deputy James Browne asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the action being taken in the Defence Forces to address the findings in the recent climate survey in relation to stress being experienced by personnel; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3131/18]

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The Defence Forces Climate Survey was commissioned on foot of a recommendation contained in the third and most recent Report of the Independent Monitoring Group (IMG) which was established to oversee the implementation of recommendations relating to harassment, bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment within the Defence Forces.

Follow up work to the initial findings in the Survey was conducted by the University of Limerick researchers via focus groups. A total of 73 Focus Groups were conducted throughout the Defence Forces. There were 603 participants in total. The focus group report further explored the issues raised in the original survey. The comments quoted therein cover a wide range of issues relating to human resources management. These include pay and conditions (particularly pay for the lowest paid members of the Defence Forces), vacancies, recruitment and retention, promotion systems, performance management, leadership, culture, morale, stress and work-life balance. I was briefed on the Report at the end of June and I met with the Representative Associations on the 13th July 2017, ahead of its official publication a week later. It is important to note that the focus groups were conducted in advance of the pay increases that were implemented in 2017. These increases particularly targeted the lowest paid across the public service. The Public Service Stability Agreement 2018-2020 also provides a mechanism for further pay increases and this Agreement has been accepted by both PDFORRA and RACO. This is a further step along the path of restoration of pay scales.

While work to progress many of the other issues raised was already underway as part of the implementation of the White Paper on Defence, I have directed that certain White Paper projects be brought forward and that work commence on these.

In addition, there is on-going recruitment to the Defence Forces and a range of initiatives are being developed including commissioning from the ranks, criteria for the re-entry of former Permanent Defence Force personnel with specific skills and consideration of increased use of direct entry for specialist posts. The Public Service Pay Commission will also examine recruitment and retention issues in its next tranche of work.

There are extensive support systems in place for members of the Defence Forces who may be experiencing stress. Members of the Defence Forces can avail of Personnel Support Services (PSS) which provides information, assistance and counselling on a range of matters including interpersonal problems. These supports will be kept under review.

Questions Nos. 23 and 24 answered with Question No. 9.