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Departmental Contracts

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 January 2018

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Questions (606)

Mick Wallace


606. Deputy Mick Wallace asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection further to her comments regarding payment of the State pension (details supplied), if public procurement guidelines have been followed regarding this information technology system; if a tender process has been initiated regarding the system; if so, if the tender has been awarded; the name of the successful company; the estimated cost of this new system; the name of the contract and description of same regarding the system currently in use; the cost of same; the supplier of this contract and associated contract; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [4371/18]

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On 23 January, the Government agreed to a proposal that will allow pensioners affected by the 2012 changes in rate bands to have their pension entitlement calculated by a new “Total Contributions Approach” (TCA) which will include up to 20 years of a new HomeCaring credit. This approach is expected to significantly benefit many people, particularly women, whose work history includes an extended period of time outside the paid workplace, while raising families or in a caring role.

As the Deputy has pointed out, I stated last week that IT systems have to be put in place to process the changes outlined by Government last Tuesday.

My Department will be working to address and implement the necessary system, administrative and legislative changes in a timely manner. Discussions on new IT systems, including the tendering process, have been initiated and will take some time to complete.

I hope that this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Questions Nos. 607 and 608 answered with Question No. 603.