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Departmental Staff Redeployment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 31 January 2018

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Questions (360)

Peadar Tóibín


360. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number of staff under her Department and agencies or bodies under her aegis seconded as national experts to the EU; and the grade number, pay scale and the length of time each member has been serving while under secondment, in tabular form. [4765/18]

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I am advised that there is one such person has been seconded to the EU as indicated in the following table.


Pay Scale (First Point - Last Point)  

Duration of Secondment   

Principal Officer

€80,852 - €99,408

Since May 2016
