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Schools Building Projects Status

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 1 February 2018

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Questions (39)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


39. Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans for sanctioning improvements to schools (details supplied) in County Donegal; his further plans for providing a new school building for two other schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4663/18]

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I wish to advise the Deputy of the current position in respect of each of the four schools referred to.

In regard to the first school referenced, I can confirm that the school applied for funding under my Department’s Emergency Works Scheme in respect of structural works.  My Department has recently received the consultant’s report requested for the works involved.  This is currently under consideration and my Department will be in further contact with the school authorities on the matter as soon as possible. 

In regard to the second school referred to, I can confirm that an application under the Additional School Accommodation scheme was received and assessed in my Department.  In that instance the application for additional resource teaching spaces was not approved as it was determined there was no deficit of accommodation for the current staffing level.  Separately, an appeal in respect of an unsuccessful application for mechanical works under the Summer Works Scheme is under consideration and my Department will notify the school authorities directly of the outcome once the appeal process concludes.

I wish to advise the Deputy that an application under the Emergency Works Scheme, for essential roof repairs, for the third school mentioned was granted in January.  In addition, the Deputy will be aware my Department has included a major capital project for this school in the 6 year Capital Programme to provide a new two-storey eight classroom school on the existing site.  This project has commenced Stage 1, Preliminary Design State, of the Architectural Planning Process - the Stage 1 submission has yet to be submitted by my Department.

Finally, in respect of the final school referenced, I wish to advise that a major project is at an advanced stage of architectural planning, Stage 2b (Detailed Design), which includes the application for statutory approvals and the preparation of tender document.  In this regard, all statutory approvals have been secured.

The Stage 2b submission has been reviewed by my Department and comments issued to the school and it’s Design Team in December 2017. The Department has requested confirmations from the Design Team in respect of Tender Documents being complete, correct and in compliance with DoES and Building Control (Amendment) Regulations (BC(A)R) tender documentation requirements.

Upon receipt of the requested confirmations, the Department will revert to the school with regard to the further progression of the project.
