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Mortgage Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 February 2018

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Questions (121)

John McGuinness


121. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Finance the number of mortgage arrears resolved by each bank using the debt for equity solution; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6559/18]

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I have been advised by the Central Bank that it does not collect information on mortgage arrears by each bank using the debt for equity solution.

The Central Bank of Ireland publishes mortgage arrears statistics on a quarterly basis, see:, which provides a breakdown of restructures by a number of different categories.

These categories represent the level of granularity that the CBI collects for Primary Dwelling Homes (PDH) and are as follows:

- Interest only - up to one year

- Interest only - over one year

- Reduced Payment (greater than interest only)

- Reduced Payment (less than interest only)

- Term Extension

- Arrears Capitalisation

- Payment Moratorium

- Deferred Interest Scheme

- Payment Interest Rate Reduction

- Split Mortgage

- Trade Down Mortgage

- Temporary Interest Rate Reduction

- Other

For Buy-to-Let (BTL) Mortgage accounts the categories are as above with the exception of Trade Down Mortgages.
