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Garda Youth Diversion Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 February 2018

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Questions (293)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


293. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the reason it has been decided to move towards a tendering model for Garda youth diversionary programmes, GYDPs; and the assessments that have been made on the impact this will have on independent GYDPs, their staff and the communities they serve. [7429/18]

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I can inform the Deputy that my Department is obliged to carry out a call for proposals process during 2018 in relation to the provision of Garda Youth Diversion Project (GYDP) services, to fully comply with requirements related to the co-funding of projects by the European Social Fund Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.

GYDPs deliver a valuable service to young offenders and provide an effective and essential support to the operation of the statutory Garda Diversion Programme by An Garda Síochána. The call for proposals provides the opportunity to update and improve the operating model of a very valuable service.  The new model will ensure state-wide coverage of GYDP services for young people who have committed a crime or engaged in anti-social behaviour, which does not exist at present.

In relation to the impact of the new approach on existing service providers, I am advised that the Irish Youth Justice Service is currently engaged in an extensive consultation process with relevant stakeholders in relation to all aspects of the GYDP change programme, with a view to the further development of the service delivery model prior to the call for proposals being issued.
