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Fisheries Protection

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 February 2018

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Questions (532)

Robert Troy


532. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the planned compensation scheme for eel fishermen; the timeframe for the implementation of this scheme; and the monetary compensation available. [7000/18]

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I recognise fully the difficulty faced by eel fishermen.  However, there is no property right attaching to public eel licences and, consequently, the issue of compensation does not arise.  Notwithstanding this, criteria for a potential support measure for former licensed eel fishermen are being examined.

Ireland’s Eel Management Plan (EMP), including the closure of commercial fishing, was originally approved by the European Commission under EU Regulation 1100/2007.  In that regard, consultation and discussion with the European Commission is required before the terms and conditions for, or the prospective number of participants in, any potential support measure can be elaborated on.  My Officials have opened discussions with the European Commission in this regard.

It is also likely that consultation with the Revenue Commissioners will be required.
