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Gender Recognition

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 14 February 2018

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Questions (277)

Joan Burton


277. Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if her Department has prepared written guidelines for staff and the public on dealing with transgender matters; if they are published; if staff have received training in respect of this; if her Department is participating in or making a submission regarding the review being undertaken in respect of the operation of the Gender Recognition Act 2015; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [7563/18]

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My Department does not have specific written guidelines for staff and public in relation to dealing with transgender matters.

My Department operates the Dignity At Work policy - an anti-bullying, harassment and sexual harassment policy for the Irish Civil Service - which aims to promote respect, dignity, safety, and equality in the workplace for all employees.

My Department is represented as a key stakeholder on the Review Group of the Gender Recognition Act 2015 chaired by Moninne Griffith.
