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Public Services Card

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 February 2018

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Questions (210)

Catherine Murphy


210. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform his plans for the expanded use of the public services card; the services that will require presentation of the card to access State services and products in each of the years 2018 to 2022; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9456/18]

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The Public Services Card (PSC), and its online counterpart MyGovID, is the Government’s standard personal identity verification scheme, and it is core to delivering valuable public services to the people who need them in a secure and efficient manner.  The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection is the lead implementation body for the production of the Public Services Card, the MyGovID electronic identity service, and the SAFE 2 identity registration process which underpins both via their network of Intreo offices.  My Department works closely with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection to govern the development of policy and manage the integration of the PSC and MyGovID into appropriate services provided by the Public Service.

In order to ensure services are provided to the right person, to protect personal data, and to support efficient service delivery by using a single, standard identity verification scheme across the public service, a growing number of public service providers are requiring that proof of identity is underpinned by the SAFE 2 identity verification standard.  SAFE 2 is the highest level of citizen identity assurance available to public service bodies, and it is a matter for each to decide how the SAFE 2 identity verification standard is to be utilised for their individual services. 

Over the course of the past year, my Department and the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection have worked with a number of public bodies to integrate the Public Services Card and MyGovID, improving access to and security of their services.  Currently, the Public Services Card and MyGovID underpin access to social welfare entitlements, first time adult passport applications, citizenship applications, Revenue services and driver theory test applications.

My Department along with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection continues to engage with Departments to assist with the integration of the PSC and MyGovID into services in line with the schedule set out in the eGovernment Strategy. The eGovernment Strategy 2017 - 2020, which was published last year, lists the commitments by Departments and Offices to adopt the PSC and MyGovID infrastructure for specified public services within the listed timeframes

Question No. 211 answered with Question No. 208.