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Property Registration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 February 2018

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Questions (751)

Seán Haughey


751. Deputy Seán Haughey asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government further to parliamentary question number 251 of 20 February 2018, if he has received representations to facilitate infrastructure projects such as aviation fuel pipelines by changing property ownership legislation relating to cases in which some property owners have their lands registered to the centre of the road; his plans to amend existing legislation in this context; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9945/18]

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Under the Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006, the Property Registration Authority (PRA) was established as and from 4 November 2006. The PRA replaces the Registrar of Deeds and Titles as the registering authority in relation to property registration in Ireland and, subject to the above Act, is independent in the performance of its functions.

When title or ownership is registered by the PRA, all relevant details concerning the property and its ownership are entered on documents known as folios. These form the registers maintained in the PRA and such property is known as registered land, as every transaction on a property is registered on a folio. The folio is guaranteed by the State to be a confirmed record of the title to the property to which it refers.

The PRA also maintains maps or title plans of property described in the registers. These maps do not indicate whether a boundary includes a hedge, wall, ditch etc., so the registers are therefore not conclusive as to boundaries. Any dispute as to boundaries must be resolved by the relevant parties - if they cannot reach agreement it is a matter for the courts to resolve.

I have no plans to amend current legislation in this regard.
