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Residential Institutions Statutory Fund

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 April 2018

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Questions (237)

Catherine Connolly


237. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Education and Skills the progress made by Caranua following publication of its customer service charter and its feedback and complaints policy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17875/18]

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Caranua (the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund) is an independent statutory body and I have no role in relation to its day to day operations. The organisation's existing Customer Charter is available on its website, as is its Feedback and Complaints Policy.  Recent statistics published on the website show that 95% of the feedback between January and March of this year was positive.

Caranua has identified a number of areas that it would review, these include: waiting times for first time applicants, its prioritisation policy and the usage of Nominated Person and Permission to Share Policy. I am advised that Caranua will progress these and related issues.
