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Tuesday, 24 Apr 2018

Written Answers Nos. 512-530

Road Improvement Schemes

Questions (512)

Pat Casey


512. Deputy Pat Casey asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status of the N81 from Tallaght to Hollywood Cross, Wicklow, road improvement scheme in view of the safety and congestion issues on this road; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17820/18]

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Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme.  The planning, design and implementation of individual road projects is a matter for Transport Infrastructure Ireland under the Roads Acts 1993-2015 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.  Within its capital budget, the assessment and prioritisation of individual projects is a matter in the first instance for TII in accordance with Section 19 of the Roads Act.

Noting the above position, I have referred the Deputy's question to TII for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.

Dublin Bus Services

Questions (513, 515)

Robert Troy


513. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the rationale for the recent decision to award a contract for the operation of 24 bus routes in Dublin to a company (details supplied); if further tendering for Dublin Bus routes is expected; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17838/18]

View answer

Robert Troy


515. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the manner in which an evaluation will be made of a company's (details supplied) operation of 24 bus routes; if he will publish the analysis of its operation of these routes; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17840/18]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 513 and 515 together.

The issue raised is a matter for the National Transport Authority (NTA) and I have forwarded the Deputy's questions to the NTA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.

Road Network

Questions (514)

Robert Troy


514. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the position regarding his response to the National Oversight and Audit Commission's recent report on the condition of Ireland's regional and local roads; and the status of his plans to address the issues raised by this report. [17839/18]

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Written answers

Responsibility for the maintenance and improvement of regional and local roads rests with the relevant local authority. Works on such roads are undertaken by local authorities using monies from own resources and these monies are supplemented by grants from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. In 2018 Department grants for regional and local roads increased by 29% from €324m to €417m.

- Restoration Improvement monies (for strengthening works) have increased by 18% in 2018.

- Restoration Maintenance monies (for surface dressing works) have increased by 17% in 2018.

- An important new grant for Drainage works (overall €10m) has been introduced.

- Ring-fenced monies for Community Involvement Schemes (CIS) are being provided (overall €10m). Following an application process local authorities will be advised of their grant funding for CIS within a few weeks.

In conjunction with local authorities the Department has set up the MapRoad system which allows road works and road condition to be recorded across the 94,000 km of regional and local roads. This has facilitated the reporting of road condition across various classes of roads by NOAC. Until steady state is achieved and progress is made on addressing the backlog there is likely to be a disimprovement in the ratings reported by NOAC.

The 2018 regional and local road allocations were announced on the 29th January 2018 and all grant funding available to the Department in respect of regional and local roads has now been allocated. It is therefore a matter for each Council to determine its priorities and decide its work programme on that basis, taking available grant funding and its own resources into account.

Question No. 515 answered with Question No. 513.

Driver Licences

Questions (516)

Thomas P. Broughan


516. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport further to Parliamentary Question No. 1295 of 17 April 2018, the follow-up that has taken place to retrieve licences from the 281 learner drivers who did not surrender their licences; the way in which these licences have been taken from the disqualified drivers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17861/18]

View answer

Written answers

The policy and management of the surrendering of driving licences is the responsibility of the Road Safety Authority. In light of the RSA's responsibility in the matters raised, I have referred the Deputy's question to the Authority for a more detailed reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.

Driver Licences

Questions (517)

Thomas P. Broughan


517. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport further to Parliamentary Question No. 1295 of 17 April 2018, if any of the 544 learner drivers were subsequently involved in a road traffic collision following their disqualification; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17862/18]

View answer

Written answers

The information requested by the Deputy is not available on the National Vehicle and Driver File, as no details in relation to traffic collisions are provided or recorded on the database.

Driver Licences

Questions (518)

Thomas P. Broughan


518. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport further to Parliamentary Question No. 1295 of 17 April 2018, the procedure to access the licences which were not surrendered; his plans for improvement in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17863/18]

View answer

Written answers

The policy and management of the surrendering of driving licences is the responsibility of the Road Safety Authority. I have referred the Deputy's question to the Authority for a more detailed reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

Sports Capital Programme Applications

Questions (519)

Catherine Connolly


519. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the criteria applied in the review process for applications for a sports capital grant; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17864/18]

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Written answers

Under the 2017 round of the Sports Capital Programme (SCP), 20% of applications were deemed to be invalid.  This was the lowest rate of invalid applications ever under the SCP (the average over all previous programmes was 34%) and showed that the efforts made to reduce the number of invalid applications were largely successful.

In relation to the appeals process, all organisations whose applications were deemed invalid or partially invalid were invited to appeal the Department’s decision if they believed the Department made an error in deeming the application invalid. The introduction of the appeals process ensures that the SCP accords with the Department’s Customer Action Plan, which commits to maintaining "a formalised, well publicised, accessible, transparent and simple to use system of appeal/review for customers who are dissatisfied with decisions in relation to service”.

Each appeal submitted was assessed by an official not involved in the original assessment of that application.  All decisions on appeals were also reviewed by at least two more senior officials. A total of 149 appeals were submitted and of these, 35 were upheld. Appeals were accepted where the appellant demonstrated that the Department erred in its decision to make the application invalid, or where it was agreed that the Department's own guide to making an application was not sufficiently clear, or where it was felt the original decision involved an overly strict interpretation of the SCP terms and conditions. More detail is contained in the review of the 2017 round of the SCP, which has been published on my Department's website (

All clubs with applications that remain invalid have been informed that they can resubmit their 2017 application, along with any corrected documentation to make their application valid for the next round of the SCP without the necessity of submitting a full new application.  I expect an announcement will be made shortly regarding when the new round of the programme will be open for applications.

Park and Ride Facilities

Questions (520)

Catherine Connolly


520. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport further to Parliamentary Question No. 33 of 15 February 2018, the engagement that has taken place with the NTA regarding funding; the progress that has been made regarding the development of park-and-ride sites; the sites identified east and west of Galway city, respectively; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17865/18]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport.  I and my Department are not involved in the administration of that funding to particular projects such as park-and-ride facilities, but rather Exchequer funding is provided from the Transport Vote on an aggregate basis to the National Transport Authority (NTA) to support sustainable transport projects implemented by the local authorities in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) and regional cities, including Galway.  Under the enhanced capital investment secured in Budget 2018, it is planned that €135m of capital funding will be allocated in this way over the period 2018–21 for investment in Sustainable Urban Transport projects.  This programme includes traffic management, bus priority and other smarter travel projects, which will allow transport infrastructure to function more effectively and will help relieve traffic congestion.

The NTA works closely with the relevant Local Authorities in determining the most appropriate and effective infrastructure projects.  The Galway Transport Strategy (GTS), which was published by Galway County Council, identifies park-and-ride as a key component of its future transport infrastructure.  Decisions about investment in park-and-ride facilities at specific sites will be a matter for the NTA and relevant local authorities.

Noting the NTA's responsibility in the matter, I have referred your question to the NTA for a more detailed reply with regard to this particular project. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (521)

Mary Lou McDonald


521. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the form, date and amount of all invoices issued to his Department by a company (details supplied) in each of the years 2007 to 2017, inclusive, in tabular form. [17914/18]

View answer

Written answers

My Department has not received any invoices from the company listed by the Deputy.

Regulation of Lobbying

Questions (522)

Niall Collins


522. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if under the lobbyist register it is expected that calls from lobbyists are recorded; if this is the practice in his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17997/18]

View answer

Written answers

The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 requires a person carrying out lobbying activities to register and submit returns of lobbying activity. The returns register is publicly available to view and records relevant communication (whether written or oral) between a registered person and a designated public official. The specificiation of the Act and its requirements are not areas for which I have a statutory function.

More generally within my Department, it is standard procedure to note important communications, whether written or oral, regarding official business.

Road Network

Questions (523)

Michael McGrath


523. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if funding will be made available to allow the construction of the Carrigaline western relief road, County Cork, to proceed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18042/18]

View answer

Written answers

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads in their areas are a statutory function of local authorities in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act, 1993. Works on such roads are a matter for the relevant local authority to be funded from its own resources supplemented by State road grants. The initial selection and prioritisation of projects to be funded from these monies is a matter for each local authority.

Under the Strategic Grant Scheme, my Department gave a commitment in 2010 to provide grant assistance to Cork County Council in relation to the acquisition of land for the Carrigaline Western Relief Road. The commitment to part fund land acquisition on this road has been met but no grant commitment was given in relation to the construction of the road.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis there were major cutbacks in funding for the national, regional and local road network. This resulted in the severe curtailment in funding for road improvement grant programmes, including the Strategic Grant Scheme, in order to focus available funding on maintenance and renewal work.

The Building on Recovery Capital Plan 2016-2021 and the Capital Plan Review allocations mark a significant step forward in terms of restoring funding to the levels needed to maintain the road network in a “steady state” condition and allowing for some investment in road improvement schemes but it is going to take time for funding to build up to the required level. For now funding will largely continue to support the maintenance of the regional and local road network. While a limited number of improvement projects are scheduled to go ahead over the next few years, funding is not available to commit to additional schemes at this point.

My Department is, however, liaising with Cork County Council with a view to positioning the project for development in the post-2021 period.

Bus Éireann Services

Questions (524)

Michael McGrath


524. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the proposals made by Bus Éireann to the NTA to improve the 220, 220X and 223 bus services in Cork. [18043/18]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport.  The issue raised is a matter for the National Transport Authority (NTA) in conjunction with the relevant transport operator and I have forwarded the Deputy's question to the NTA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.

Road Improvement Schemes

Questions (525, 526)

Brendan Smith


525. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport when additional funding will be allocated to Cavan County Council in respect of the roadworks programme 2018 in view of the severe damage caused to the road network due to storms in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18044/18]

View answer

Brendan Smith


526. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport when additional funding will be allocated to Monaghan County Council in respect of the roadworks programme 2018 in view of the severe damage caused to the road network due to storms in 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18045/18]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 525 and 526 together.

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads is the statutory responsibility of local authorities, in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act 1993. Works on those roads are funded from the Council's own resources supplemented by State road grants. The initial selection and prioritisation of works to be funded is also a matter for the local authority.

I announced the 2018 regional and local road allocations on 29th January and all grant funding available to my Department has now been allocated. It is a matter for each Council to determine its priorities and decide its work programme on that basis, taking available grant funding and its own resources into account. There is no additional funding available to my Department at present.

Sports Capital Programme Administration

Questions (527)

Bernard Durkan


527. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which he has been able to facilitate organisations that received grant aid under capital sports grants and that wish to make minor changes in the development; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18049/18]

View answer

Written answers

In general, my Department facilitates clubs wishing to make minor adjustments to the work they are undertaking using an allocation received under the Sports Capital Programme (SCP) provided the new purpose has a sporting content and all other terms and conditions of the SCP can be met. In relation to the recent allocations under the 2017 round of the SCP, every valid local application received a grant offer and I have asked that any proposed changes to projects be considered as sympathetically as possible subject to the overall integrity of the programme being maintained and all other requirements being adhered to.  Any organisation that wishes to apply for a change of purpose should contact the Department as soon as possible and works should not be undertaken prior to receiving approval for the change.  In this regard, the relevant contact details for the officials dealing with specific counties are available on the Department's website at

Sport and Recreational Development

Questions (528)

Bernard Durkan


528. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which he expects to be in a position to offer funding towards the development of sporting and recreational facilities, including swimming pools, in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18050/18]

View answer

Written answers

The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is the Government’s primary method of providing support to sports clubs and organisations for capital projects. The 2017 round of the SCP closed for applications on the 24th February 2017.  In November and December last, Minister Ross and I announced €60m in allocations to a record 1,800 projects under the 2017 round.  The funding available for the SCP in 2018 is sufficient to cover all these grants and also all commitments made under earlier rounds of the programme.  The recently published National Development Plan (NDP) provides €100m for the SCP in the period to 2021 and states that the programme will be further expanded over the period 2022–2027. An announcement in relation to the next round of the programme is expected shortly.

In relation to swimming pools, the Local Authority Swimming Pool Programme (LASPP) provides grant aid to local authorities towards the capital costs of new swimming pools or the refurbishment of existing pools.  There are four swimming pool projects remaining in the current round of the LASPP and the priority in 2018 will be on progressing these projects. The existing capital envelopes for the LASPP including the 2018 one are sufficient to cover all the costs of these pools.

The NDP also contains a commitment to establish a new “Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund” (LSSIF) with at least €100m available over the coming years.  My officials have commenced drafting the terms and conditions of the new LSSIF and are currently engaging with relevant stakeholders in this regard.  An announcement in relation to when applications will be accepted will be made once these terms and conditions are finalised.

Finally, the upcoming National Sports Policy, which I expect will be considered by Government in the coming weeks with a view to its publication shortly thereafter, will include a specific focus on how Government should fund sports facilities in the years ahead.

Tourism Industry

Questions (529)

Bernard Durkan


529. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which he expects the tourism industry to develop in all its facets in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18051/18]

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Written answers

After a number of very successful years, indications are that 2018 will prove to be another good year for tourism in Ireland. Sentiment in the industry both overseas and here at home is generally positive for the remainder of 2018. Tourism Ireland’s aim is to grow overseas tourism revenue by a further +5% this year and to increase the number of overseas visitors by 2%.

The early signs are promising, with the CSO reporting in its Overseas Travel release that overseas trips to Ireland for the first two months of the year, at almost 1.2 million visits, were up 7.9% on 2017, as follows:

- Visits from North America were up by 4.2%;

- Visits from Mainland Europe were up by 17.6%;

- Great Britain registered an increase of 4.0% in visits; and

- Visits from the rest of the world (long-haul) decreased by 3.8%.

While the data only covers two months and it is too early to predict how the rest of the year might fare, it is a welcome start which indicates that we are well placed to build further on the outstanding growth of recent years.

The Government continues to offer strong support to the industry, as demonstrated most recently by Fáilte Ireland’s launch of the new brand for the Midlands, Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands. This will enhance the Midlands as a tourism destination for both domestic and overseas visitors. We have also invested an additional €2 million in Tourism Ireland this year to support its digital marketing infrastructure. This investment recognises the fact that we are operating in a hugely competitive international marketplace in which it is vital that we maintain a strong presence.

Despite positive visitor numbers from Britain in early 2018, Brexit continues to be a concern for tourism. I am aware that the tourism agencies are keeping a very close eye on developments in the British market. Nevertheless, it highlights the importance of market diversification as we continue to attract greater numbers of visitors from European, North American and long-haul destinations. The inaugural direct flights from China, due to commence in June, will be vital in exploiting the potential of this massive market.

We cannot be complacent about continued growth in tourism. We must aim to deliver growth which is sustainable, from an economic, social and environmental perspective. This is something that we will be considering this year in the context of the Government’s tourism policy.

Traffic Management

Questions (530)

Bernard Durkan


530. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which he has identified roads or motorways experiencing traffic congestion due to an inadequacy of capacity such as the M4 Maynooth to the M50 and other similar commuter routes experiencing traffic congestion; if the National Development Plan 2018-2027 will facilitate early intervention in these sensitive areas in order to alleviate traffic congestion; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18052/18]

View answer

Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme.  The planning, design and implementation of individual road projects is a matter for Transport Infrastructure Ireland under the Roads Acts 1993-2015 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.  Within its capital budget, the assessment and prioritisation of individual projects is a matter in the first instance for TII in accordance with Section 19 of the Roads Act.

Noting the above position, I have referred the Deputy's question to TII for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.