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Integrated Ticketing

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 16 May 2018

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Questions (184)

Thomas Pringle


184. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if the use of the Leap card in County Donegal will be rolled out (details supplied); his views on whether it is fair that as a result of the reliance on Bus Éireann expressway routes that service users in the county do not have access to the same discount options as those that use the Leap card in cities and are therefore forced to pay full price for each trip; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21586/18]

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As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport. The National Transport Authority (NTA) has statutory responsibility for the development and implementation of public transport including ticketing technology.

Therefore, I have forwarded your query to the NTA for direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A.