Ticks are widespread in the country and areas of rough vegetation and forestry and are not at all confined to National Parks or Nature Reserves. Ticks can be found on a variety of domesticated and wild animals including sheep, goats, horses, cattle, dogs, deer and various wild mammal species. In terms of an information campaign for visitors to Killarney town, this would be under the remit of the Local Authority.
While, as above, this issue is not confined to the Park, information on ticks for members of the public intending to visit the Park is contained in the health and safety section of the dedicated website: http://www.killarneynationalpark.ie/visit/health-safety. Information on Lyme Disease is available from the HSE and, their booklet
http://www.hpsc.ie/a-/vectorborne/lymedisease/informationforthepublic/Lyme%20DL%20April2017%20-%20D2.pdf contains useful information in this regard.
The National Parks & Wildlife Service of my Department would be willing to engage with the Local Authority on any county-wide initiatives they (or the HSE) wish to propose.