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Fire Stations Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 June 2018

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Questions (1318)

Michael Moynihan


1318. Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the status of the construction of the new fire station in Kanturk, County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25124/18]

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The provision of a fire service in its functional area, including the establishment and maintenance of a fire brigade, the assessment of fire cover needs and the provision of fire station premises, is a statutory function of individual fire authorities under section 10 of the Fire Services Act 1981. My Department supports the fire authorities through setting general policy, providing a central training programme, issuing guidance on operational and other related matters and providing capital funding for priority infrastructural projects.

A re-assessment of fire station projects was undertaken in 2015. This graded proposals on the basis of the:

- Area Risk Categorisation of the Fire Station (population, fire risks etc.);

- Established Health and Safety Needs;

- State of development of the project (is site acquired, etc.);

- Value for Money offered by the proposal.

As a result of this re-assessment, a new programme of construction/ refurbishment of twenty six fire stations was proposed. This included sixteen new builds and ten upgrade/refurbishments.

Kanturk Fire Station is included in the programme of 16 fire stations for construction and funding is planned and provided for within the five-year, €40 million allocation of funding for the Fire Services Capital Programme announced in February 2016. A site is available for the station and draft designs have been received and reviewed. My Department will be continuing to work with Cork County Council to progress this fire station project as quickly as possible.

Question No. 1319 answered with Question No. 1301.