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Cannabis for Medicinal Use

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 June 2018

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Questions (620)

Mattie McGrath


620. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Health the policy position with respect to medicinal cannabis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24456/18]

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Written answers

Cannabis is strictly controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Acts 1977 to 2016, and the Regulations and Orders made thereunder.

The two most common active components found in cannabis oil are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

- THC is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis. Under the Misuse of Drugs legislation products containing THC are strictly controlled and possession is unlawful except under licence.

- CBD is derived from cannabis. However, since it is not psychoactive it is not controlled under the Misuse of Drugs legislation, and does not require a Ministerial Licence.

Access to Medical Cannabis via the Ministerial Licence Route

- Currently medical practitioners who wish to prescribe cannabis products containing THC may apply to the Minister for Health, for a licence under the Misuse of Drugs Act. 

- The Chief Medical Officer has advised that the granting of such a licence must be premised on an appropriate application being submitted to the Department of Health, which is endorsed by a consultant who is responsible for the management of the patient and who is prepared to monitor the effects of the treatment over time.

How to apply for a Ministerial licence

- A medical cannabis licence application submitted to the Minister for Health, in line with the Misuse of Drugs Acts, must include:

- An outline of the treatment the patient has received to date and justification from the doctor as to why it is appropriate in their patient’s specific circumstances to prescribe cannabis.

- Details of the cannabis product which it is proposed to prescribe and administer to the patient.

- The source of the cannabis product.

- The arrangements for the ongoing monitoring and care of the patient once the cannabis-based treatment has commenced.

The application must be submitted either by the patient’s medical consultant, or by their General Practitioner (GP). Applications from the patient's GP must include written endorsement for the proposed cannabis treatment for the individual patients by the patient's consultant.

The decision to prescribe or not prescribe any treatment, including cannabis treatment, for an individual patient is strictly a decision for the treating clinician, in consultation with their patient. The Minister for Health has no role in this clinical decision-making process.

Consultants or GPs requiring further information or clarification in relation to the licence application process are advised to contact the Department of Health directly. Valid applications received are assessed without delay.

Medicinal Cannabis Access Programme (under development)

The Minister for Health is in the process of establishing a ‘Cannabis for Medical Use Access Programme’ to facilitate access to cannabis-based products, that are not authorised as medicines but are of a standardised quality and meet an acceptable level of quality assurance. The access programme will be established to provide access to cannabis treatments for patients who are under the care of a medical consultant, for the following medical conditions which have failed to respond to standard treatments:

- spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis resistant to all standard therapies and interventions;

- intractable nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy;

- severe, refractory (treatment-resistant) epilepsy that has failed to respond to standard anticonvulsant medications.

An Expert Group appointed by the Minister has drawn up clinical guidance for healthcare professionals treating patients through the Access Programme and Department of Health Officials are working on legislation to underpin the Access Programme. The access programme is not yet in operation.

In the meantime access to cannabis for medical treatment is via the aforementioned Ministerial licence application route, which will continue to operate in parallel to the Cannabis for Medical Use Access Programme, once the programme becomes operational.
