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Assisted Human Reproduction Services Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 June 2018

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Questions (402)

Clare Daly


402. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 748 of 12 June 2018, if consideration will be given to putting in place public funding for IVF prior to the enactment of the assisted human reproduction Bill 2017 in order to honour his previous commitment to have such funding in place by 2019; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26761/18]

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As I indicated in my response to Parliamentary Question No. 748 of 12 June last, work is ongoing in my Department regarding policy options for a potential public funding model for AHR treatment and it is my intention to bring a Memorandum to Government for a model of public funding for AHR treatment for the Government's consideration and decision in due course. This Memorandum to Government will outline a framework in relation to the implementation of the proposed funding model, including the timeline involved.
