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JobPath Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 3 July 2018

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Questions (522)

Catherine Murphy


522. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection further to Parliamentary Question No. 541 of 19 June 2018, if the way in which resignation letters from customers are automatically generated and worded by JobPath providers will be reviewed; if her attention has been drawn to the fact that a person (details supplied) had an offer to be reinstated one month after they were asked to leave and three days after the issuing of their P45 while the offer to take up an internal grievance procedure only came through correspondence on 31 May 2018, three days after a P45 issued; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [29161/18]

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The information requested by the Deputy is currently being compiled by my officials and will be provided to the Deputy as soon as possible.
