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Marine Plan Implementation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 July 2018

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Questions (294)

Charlie McConalogue


294. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the latest annual progress report on Ireland’s integrated marine plan Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth for 2017; the targeted actions that have been completed on time to date; and the actions that have not been completed by deadlines to date in tabular form. [29912/18]

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I announced the publication of the annual Progress Report on Ireland’s Integrated Marine Plan - Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth, at the recent 'Our Ocean Wealth Summit' held in Galway on 28 & 29 June 2018.

This report, which has strong cross-Government and agency collaboration, provides a wealth of information - spanning business development, sustainability and protection and conservation of marine ecosystems. The report provides an account of the work undertaken in 2017 to implement actions outlined in the Marine Plan and lists the main achievements and further Government measures being proposed to support the sustainable development of Ireland’s immense marine resource.

Development of Ireland’s ‘blue economy’ continues to grow at a fast pace and is being driven by strong performances in the aquaculture, sea fisheries, shipping and marine tourism industries as well as continued growth in the emerging ocean industries. The work of our cross-Departmental high level Marine Coordination Group (MCG,) which I chair, continues to drive forward the Government’s marine strategy in a very effective manner.

A full copy of the report, which provides extensive details of all the progress on actions in 2017, as well as the focus and expectations for 2018 is available at:
