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Closed-Circuit Television Systems Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 July 2018

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Questions (66)

Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire


66. Deputy Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire asked the Minister for Justice and Equality his views on the roll-out of the community CCTV scheme. [29656/18]

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The Deputy will be aware that the Programme for a Partnership Government commits to supporting investment in CCTV systems. In pursuance of this commitment, a new Community-based CCTV grant-aid Scheme was launched by my Department in April 2017 to assist groups in the establishment of community-based CCTV systems in their local areas. It is intended that the Scheme will run for 3 years with funding of some €1 million being made available each year.

Under the Scheme, eligible community groups can apply for grant-aid of up to 60% of the total capital cost of a proposed CCTV system, up to a maximum grant of €40,000. Upon approval, the applicant will receive an up-front payment of 50% of the grant with the balance to be paid when the system is fully operational.

There has been an increasing level of enquiries relating to the Scheme. A total of 13 applications have been received to date and I understand that a significant number of other applications are currently being finalised for early submission.

4 applications under the Scheme have been approved to date, with approved funding totalling almost €120,000. A further 6 applications are under active consideration (2 of which were received by my Department in the past week). The remaining 3 applications made to date have been returned to the applicants concerned, to enable them to provide the information necessary to qualify for grant-aid.

Of the 4 approved applications for funding, 3 separate schemes are being established in County Wexford and 1 in County Wicklow.

Full details of the grant aid package including guidelines, application forms, code of practice and other relevant documentation are all available to download from my Department's website In addition, my officials are available to provide assistance and guidance to any interested party in relation to the scheme, with a dedicated email address available for that purpose -

I am keen to ensure that all interested groups, in both rural and urban areas, take advantage of the availability of this grant-aid scheme and I encourage any interested groups to make contact with my Department with any queries.
