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Project Ireland 2040 Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 July 2018

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Questions (101)

Fergus O'Dowd


101. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the status of the proposed €500 million disruptive technologies innovation fund which was included in Project Ireland 2040; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [30442/18]

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The National Development Plan (NDP) under Project Ireland 2040 confirms the establishment of a €500 million Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) to be implemented through my Department and its agencies, working with other Government Departments and agencies. This is one of four funds in the National Development Plan 2018-2027 and was launched at the Project Ireland 2040 Funds Announcement.

The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund is an exciting step forward in the innovation landscape in Ireland. The combination of existing research strengths and this targeted funding mechanism will help to deliver jobs, exports and other economic impacts for Ireland. This will help achieve the National Strategic Outcomes (NSOs) set out in Project Ireland 2040, in particular National Strategic Outcome 5 (A Strong Economy supported by Enterprise, Innovation and Skills). Ultimately, the projects funded under the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund will create the jobs of the future.

The Fund will have a resource allocation of €500 million over the period 2018-2027 consisting of an initial Exchequer allocation of €180 million to 2022.  It will be competitive and see investment in the research, development and deployment of disruptive technologies and applications on a commercial basis. Importantly it will drive collaboration between Ireland’s world-class research base and industry as well as facilitating enterprises to compete directly for funding in support of the development and adoption of these technologies.

On the 29th of June, the Expressions of Interest phase of this competitive process was launched in Drogheda. The Expressions of Interest phase will run until 17th August 2018. It is envisaged that the first tranche of successful projects will be confirmed by November 2018.

The type of projects that will receive funding will be:

- Collaborative enterprise-driven partnerships that will develop, deploy and commercialise disruptive technologies to transform business;

- Impactful projects seeking at least €1 million in funding over 3 years and involving enterprises and research partners;

- Projects involving SME participation;

- Focussed on “industrial research”.

An Expressions of Interest form and a Reference Document for applicants are available on my Department's website and I encourage potential applicants to familiarise themselves with the detail to ascertain their eligibility and to apply. My Department and agencies (Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland) will engage in communications with potential applicants through July and August 2018.
