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Animal Welfare

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 12 July 2018

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Questions (28)

Maureen O'Sullivan


28. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the way in which he addressed welfare concerns of animals including horse and greyhound racing during the current hot weather. [31461/18]

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My Department continues to operate the dedicated animal welfare helpline at 0761-064408 and 01-6072379. In addition my Department has used social media platform to remind all owners of their duty of care to animals on an on-going basis.

In relation to the specific areas of greyhound racing and horse racing the various responsible bodies have action plans in place.

Horse Racing Ireland have confirmed that the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board have been working with relevant racecourse management, Blue Cross, trainers and their staff to ensure that the effects of the current warm weather on horses are managed. There are measures in place to monitor the situation and to act if heat stress is a possibility. While heat stress can occur at any time the authorities are being particularly vigilant during this warm spell. Proper provision of water by the racecourse, veterinary supervision from arrival and the knowledge and experience of stable staff and trainers all contribute to reducing the risk of an issue occurring.

The Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board have confirmed that there has been no increase in the number of horses treated for 'heat stress' during the current warm weather.

Bord na gCon have informed me that the welfare of greyhounds comes first in all operational decisions of Bord na gCon, during the current period of high temperatures, Bord na gCon have suspended all trials and racing between the hours of 10AM and 7.30PM daily, which is still in effect. As at Friday 6 July, nine race meetings have been cancelled. Many more meetings have been delayed beyond 7.30PM to allow for cooler air temperatures. All race meetings are being monitored subject to changing weather patterns and local conditions. Staff at all tracks have been advised to supplement existing operational arrangements during this heat wave to ensure welfare considerations are fully taken into account. This includes extra watering of the tracks, increased monitoring of greyhounds on arrival and in kennels (extra water and increased air flow), monitoring weather forecasts, and liaising with the track veterinarian . These measures follow best welfare practices that are routinely followed during sharp temperature changes.

Furthermore Bord na gCon have issued a welfare guide - ‘Caring for Greyhounds in Warm Weather’ available on its website for all those involved in the care of greyhounds.
