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Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 July 2018

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Questions (2607)

Catherine Martin


2607. Deputy Catherine Martin asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the reason a proposed road development in Naas, County Kildare, originally planned in 1992 may be funded by the local infrastructure housing activation fund as part of the proposed Naas inner relief road; the reason an outdated road development provides two of three options for the completion of the road; the reason the LIHAF funding for the road has been approved in view of the significant passage of time and the exponential increase in the population of Naas over the past 26 years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33566/18]

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The Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund is designed to activate housing supply by putting in place the enabling public infrastructure necessary to ensure that large scale development takes place on key sites in urban areas of high housing demand.

Projects were submitted by local authorities and were selected, based on their performance in a competitive scoring matrix. Final approval was given for 30 projects under LIHAF in 2017. These projects will stimulate development of approximately 20,000 housing units across 14 local authorities. Kildare County Council submitted a number of projects for funding and three of those received final approval, including the project that the Deputy refers to in Naas.

I understand that Kildare County Council submitted the Naas Inner Relief Road project for LIHAF funding as the project, which involves the construction of 1.5 km of road, has the potential to unlock a substantial portion of residentially zoned lands which were unable to secure planning approval for housing, due to the lack of completion of the road during the downturn in the economy.

The construction of this road will facilitate the delivery of approximately 800 housing units on associated sites, including a local authority site where Kildare County Council will provide more than 70 social housing units through a public private partnership arrangement. 

I understand from Kildare County Council that, following receipt of funding approval, and in light of the changes in planning legislation since the road project was initially proposed, the Council were advised that planning approval would need to be sought again for the road. The first phase of the route selection process identified eight possible routes and subsequently, following further analysis, the number of route options was reduced to three.

I understand that Kildare County Council will be carrying out further traffic analysis and modelling during the Autumn with the objective of announcing the preferred route option before the end of the year. Kildare County Council will then commence the required Part 8 planning application process.

I look forward to the provision of the enabling infrastructure by Kildare County Council, supported by LIHAF funding, and the provision of much needed housing in the Naas area.
