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Sports Capital Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 19 September 2018

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Questions (132)

Bernard Durkan


132. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which his Department can interlink with sport and recreational bodies with a view to improving coaching facilities in respect of track and field events, swimming and all other sports and with a view to improving Irish participants' chances in the international arena including the Olympics; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38017/18]

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Sport Ireland, which is funded by my Department, is the statutory body with responsibility for the promotion, development and co-ordination of sport, including high performance sport.   

I have referred the Deputy's question to Sport Ireland for direct reply. I would ask the Deputy to inform my office if a reply is not received within 10 days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A