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Commencement of Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 September 2018

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Questions (191)

Robert Troy


191. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the reason section 17 of the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008, has not been commenced. [39211/18]

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The Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008 provided for a new authority to oversee the development of transport in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA). Section 17 of the Act allowed for the setting up of an Advisory Council of a Chairperson and 23 ordinary members. Under the Act, a majority of the Council would comprise officials and elected members of the various local / regional authorities in the GDA.

However, given that the remit of the Authority has been broadened over the years since 2008 especially by bringing national transport issues within its remit (rather than exclusively GDA matters), establishing an advisory council solely for GDA transport (as enabled by the legislation) would probably no longer be appropriate.

However, I am open to considering the merits of a broader national level advisory council and this is one of the broad range of matters that is within the scope of the Public Transport Policy Review which my Department is currently undertaking. I intend to launch a public consultation on the Review around the end of October.
