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Thursday, 4 Oct 2018

Written Answers Nos. 197-217

Dublin Bus Fleet

Questions (197)

Robert Troy


197. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the number of additional buses purchased by Dublin Bus in each of the years since 2004, in tabular form. [40437/18]

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As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport.

Following the establishment of the National Transport Authority (NTA) on 1st December 2009, the implementation and development of infrastructure projects in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) comes under the remit of the NTA, including bus fleet management.

In light of the NTA's responsibility in the matter I have referred the Deputy's question to the NTA for direct reply regarding the years 2009 to date. Please inform my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

Information regarding the years 2004 to 2008 is provided below -


No of Additional Buses Purchased











A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Capital Expenditure Programme

Questions (198)

Robert Troy


198. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the capital expenditure in 2017 and to date in 2018, by project, in tabular form. [40438/18]

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Capital Allocation



€ million

€ million



In my Budget Speech 2018 I have listed the priorities within the Programmes within my Department and how the Capital allocations will be spent. I have listed the priorities within the Programmes within my Department in Budget 2017

Further details on my Department's Capital allocation can also be found in REV 2018 which was published in December 2017.

Details of my Department's Capital allocation can also be found in REV 2017 which was published in December 2016

Electric Vehicle Grants

Questions (199)

Robert Troy


199. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount spent on the electric vehicle taxi grant in 2017 and to date in 2018, in tabular form. [40439/18]

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As the Deputy may be aware, the Low Emissions Vehicle Taskforce, which is co-chaired by my Department and the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment, is considering the measures and options available to Government to accelerate the uptake of low emission vehicles in Ireland.

As part of its programme of work, Working Group 1 of the Taskforce, which is chaired by my Department, considered leadership initiatives and incentivisation opportunities as a means of further stimulating electric vehicle (EV) uptake. Based on the interim recommendations of the Taskforce, I was pleased to secure funding in Budget 2018 to introduce a new toll incentive regime for EVs, as well as an EV grant scheme specifically for the small public service vehicle (SPSV) sector, which involves taxis, hackneys and limousines.

The Electric SPSV Grant Scheme opened to applicants in February this year, and provides purchase reliefs of up to €7,000 for Battery Electric Vehicles and up to €3,500 for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. I have allocated €500,000 from my Department's "Green Public Transport Fund" in support of the initiative.

According to the most recent figures received from the National Transport Authority, by 24 September 2018 24 grants totalling €152,000 had been paid or authorised. Encouragingly, all but one of these SPSV vehicles in receipt of the grant so far are Battery Electric Vehicles, which are fully zero-emission.

A total of 118 applications have been received so far and almost 90% of these have been provisionally offered grant assistance under the Scheme subject to initial suitability tests, therefore I am very hopeful that the uptake of the grant and the advancement of electric vehicles in our SPSV fleet will continue to grow.

Road Network

Questions (200)

Robert Troy


200. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount spent on managing and enhancing capacity on the M50 in 2018, in tabular form. [40440/18]

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As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the planning, design and operation of individual roads is a matter for the relevant road authority in relation to local and regional roads, or for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in conjunction with the local authorities concerned, in relation to national roads.

Noting the above position, I have referred the question to TII for a direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Road Network

Questions (201)

Robert Troy


201. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount spent on managing and enhancing capacity on the M11 in 2018, in tabular form. [40441/18]

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Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the planning, design and operation of individual roads is a matter for the relevant road authority in relation to local and regional roads, or for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in conjunction with the local authorities concerned, in relation to national roads.

Noting the above position, I have referred the question to TII for a direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Road Projects Status

Questions (202)

Robert Troy


202. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status on the M7 Naas bypass widening project; and the expenditure on the project by year and purpose, in tabular form. [40442/18]

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Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the planning, design and operation of individual roads is a matter for the relevant road authority in relation to local and regional roads, or for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in conjunction with the local authorities concerned, in relation to national roads.

Noting the above position, I have referred the question to TII for a direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Road Projects Status

Questions (203)

Robert Troy


203. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status of the Dunkettle interchange; and the expenditure on this project by year and purpose, in tabular form. [40443/18]

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Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the planning, design and operation of individual roads is a matter for the relevant road authority in relation to local and regional roads, or for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in conjunction with the local authorities concerned, in relation to national roads.

Noting the above position, I have referred the question to TII for a direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Road Projects Status

Questions (204)

Robert Troy


204. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status of the N4 Collooney to Castlebaldwin Road, County Sligo; and the expenditure on this project by year and purpose, in tabular from. [40444/18]

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Written answers

As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the planning, design and operation of individual roads is a matter for the relevant road authority in relation to local and regional roads, or for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in conjunction with the local authorities concerned, in relation to national roads.

Noting the above position, I have referred the question to TII for a direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Departmental Funding

Questions (205)

Robert Troy


205. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount of capital investment provided to urban pedestrian and cycling routes in each year since 2005, in tabular form. [40445/18]

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Written answers

I refer the Deputy to my reply given to Dáil Question 228 and the supplementary information given via letter dated 30 May in respect of cycling and walking infrastructure investment over the period 2011 to 2017.

As noted in that reply, I have secured significant increases in funding for such infrastructure over the period 2018 to 2021.

Over this period, we now have a funding stream of €110 million specifically for Cycling/Walking investment in our major cities, together with €135 million for Sustainable Urban Transport, a programme which encompasses a range of initiatives to improve urban transport including for cyclists and pedestrians. Alongside this, our considerable planned investment in the bus system through the new BusConnects programme - initially in Dublin and then followed by other cities - will also support the construction of, where possible, segregated cycle lanes along the improved bus corridors; the aim in Dublin is to deliver around 200 kilometres of quality cycling facilities as part of the bus upgrade. Beyond these urban initiatives, the Deputy will be aware that I have also allocated €53 million to support the development of new Greenways in line with the recently published Greenways Strategy.

I believe these measures, and the funding I have secured to underpin them, will positively assist with the better development and provision of cycling and walking infrastructure across the State over the next short few years.

In relation to the period 2005 to 2010 the detailed information requested by the Deputy is currently being compiled and will be forwarded in due course in line with Standing Orders.

The following deferred reply was received under Standing Order 42A
I refer to Parliamentary Question No. 205 of 4 October 2018.
As set out in my response to your Dáil question I would again like to refer you to my reply given to Dáil Question number 228 and the supplementary information given by letter dated 30th May in respect of cycling and walking infrastructure investment over the period 2011 to 2017. I would also like to refer you to my response to your Dáil Question number 1475 of the 16th January 2018 and the supplementary information given by letter dated 29th January 2018 in respect of investment in cycling and walking infrastructure in each year since 2008.
Since 2009 Exchequer investment in cycling infrastructure has been made under a number of different programmes and schemes administered by my Department, namely the Smarter Travel programme, Sustainable Transport Measures Grants (STMG) Programme and the Regional Cities Programme.
Projects funded under the Smarter Travel Programme involved integrated initiatives across a number of aspects of active/smarter travel and incorporated measures such as investment in cycle lanes, bike parking, footpaths, traffic calming measures, shared streets and other interventions that encourage and support modal shift to walking and cycling.
In addition, since 2010 my Department has also provided funding to the National Transport Authority (NTA) under the Sustainable Transport Measures Grants (STMG) Programme and the Regional Cities Programme to implement sustainable transport projects, including providing cycling infrastructure, in the Greater Dublin Area and the regional cities of Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford. Given the overarching scope of these programmes, it is not possible at this time to isolate specific expenditure on cycling infrastructure alone for the period 2009 to 2017.
Prior to the publication of the National Cycle Policy Framework in 2009, funding for cycling infrastructure was provided through the Traffic Management Grants Programme (TMG ) and the relevant local authorities. The development of cycle facilities also took place in conjunction with the implementation of other schemes including bus priority; therefore due to the overarching scope of these programmes it is not possible at this remove to isolate the expenditure on cycling infrastructure from that on bus priority and other schemes.

Greenways Funding

Questions (206)

Robert Troy


206. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount of capital investment provided to the greenway programme in each year since 2005, in tabular from. [40446/18]

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Responsibility for Greenways policy and projects recently transferred to the Tourism function within my Department. Previously, Greenways came within the Transport function and was part of the Sustainable Transport area. Funding allocated since 2005 would have been directed towards projects including projects related to the national cycling network as well as Greenways projects. Providing the Deputy with accurate information will require careful analysis to separate out Greenways allocations from other allocations on relevant similar, but separate, projects.

I regret that an accurate reply is not available as it has not been possible to retrieve and examine all of the files in the short time available. My officials will continue to compile the material and it will be forwarded directly to the Deputy as soon as possible. I have asked that the material would be provided within the next 10 working days.

Roads Maintenance Funding

Questions (207)

Robert Troy


207. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the actual spend on road repairs arising from flood damage in 2017 and to date in 2018. [40448/18]

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Written answers

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads is the statutory responsibility of the relevant local authority in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act 1993. Works on those roads are funded from the Council's own resources supplemented by State road grants. Details of the regional and local road grant allocations and payments to local authorities (including those for 2017) are outlined in the regional and local road grant booklets which are available in the Dáil Library.

I announced the 2018 Regional and Local Road (RLR) allocations on 29th January (€417m) and all grant funding available to my Department has now been allocated. Following a severe flooding event in August 2017, Donegal County Council received a payment of €1.6m in 2017 and a further allocation of €10m in 2018 for repairs to roads affected by the event. In addition, 2018 saw the introduction of ring-fenced funding of €10m for drainage measures. This funding may be used for the alleviation of road drainage problems either through new works or remedial works.

While there is no dedicated RLR funding for flooding, local authorities may carry out repairs from the RLR grants available to them and from their own resources. In this context, it is open to each Council to determine and reprioritise its work programme following severe weather events.

As regards actual spend on repairs to roads as a result of flooding events, this is a matter for the relevant local authority. To date €213m has been drawn down by local authorities from the 2018 RLR investment programme.

In relation to national roads as Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. Under the Roads Acts 1993-2015, the planning, design and operation of individual roads is a matter for the relevant road authority in relation to local and regional roads, or for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in conjunction with the local authorities concerned, in relation to national roads.

Noting the above position, I have referred the Deputy's question to TII for a direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Tourism Ireland Expenditure

Questions (208)

Robert Troy


208. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the spend on digital investment in tourism marketing. [40449/18]

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Written answers

The matter raised by the Deputy is an operational matter for the board and management of Tourism Ireland. Accordingly, I have referred the Deputy's question to Tourism Ireland for direct reply. Please contact my private office if you have not received a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Sports Capital Programme Expenditure

Questions (209)

Robert Troy


209. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the spend on the large-scale sport infrastructure fund. [40450/18]

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The National Development Plan (NDP) contains a commitment to establish a new “Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund” (LSSIF) with at least €100 million available over the coming years.

It is intended that the Fund will be for larger projects where the proposed Government contribution exceeds the amount currently available for individual projects under the Sports Capital Programme. The fund will initially focus on the National Governing Bodies of Sport and Local Authorities. The detailed terms and conditions of the new scheme are currently being finalised in my Department.

There is no funding provided for the programme in 2018 and there has been no spend under the programme to date. The amounts to be provided in 2019 and subsequently will be decided in the context of the annual estimates process.

Roads Maintenance Funding

Questions (210)

Robert Troy


210. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount of funding that has been allocated to each local authority for the maintenance of the local and regional roads scheme in each year since 2004, in tabular form. [40451/18]

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Written answers

Details of the regional and local road grant allocations to local authorities are outlined in the regional and local road grant booklets which are available from the Dáil Library.

Please note that the earlier booklets from 2004 to 2007 inclusive use the title 'Non National Road Allocations'.

Regional Airports

Questions (211)

Robert Troy


211. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount of funding provided to regional airports in each year since 2004, by year in tabular form. [40452/18]

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Funding to regional airports for the years 2004 to 2017 is listed in tabular form below. In 2018, Capital and Current allocations to the regional airports are €3.85 million and €8.8 million respectively. Final expenditure figures for 2018 will not be available until early 2019. The figures below do not include amounts paid directly to contracted airlines to operate PSO services between Dublin and the various regional airports over the period in question.

Regional Airports Exchequer Funding (€m)



Current (Operational)






























































Road Projects Status

Questions (212)

Robert Troy


212. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status of the Sallins bypass; and the expenditure on this project by year and purpose, in tabular form. [40453/18]

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Written answers

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads is a statutory function of each road authority in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act 1993. The carrying out of works on these roads is a matter for the relevant local authority to be funded from its own resources supplemented by State road grants. The selection and prioritisation of road works is also a matter for the local authority.

The main design and construction elements of the Naas Bypass Widening Scheme, Osberstown Interchange and Sallins Bypass Schemes are being progressed under one construction contract. Kildare County Council as the contracting authority for the three projects is responsible for the management of the project.

Since 2016, almost €17m has been paid to Kildare County Council to date for the R407 Sallins Bypass; €1,015,459 in 2016, €9,321,719 in 2017 and €6,587,970 to date in 2018. The project is at construction with completion expected in 2020.

Road Projects Status

Questions (213)

Robert Troy


213. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status of the road upgrade for a business park (details supplied); and the expenditure on this project by year and purpose, in tabular form. [40454/18]

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Written answers

The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads is the statutory responsibility of each local authority, in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act 1993. Works on those roads are funded from the local authority's own resources supplemented by State road grants, where applicable. Arising from the arrangements in place in relation to Local Property Tax receipts the four Dublin Councils became self funding for regional and local roads under the main road grant categories from 2015.

Provision was made in the Capital Plan for the upgrade of roads in the vicinity of Grange Castle Business Park and the Department is providing grant assistance to South Dublin County Council (SDCC) for this strategic scheme.

A total of €7.6m has been paid to SDCC to date for this project; €256,684 in 2016, €642,764 in 2017 and €6,787,976 to date in 2018.

The implementation and advancement of this project is a matter for SDCC. It is anticipated that the project will be completed in early 2019.

Fáilte Ireland Expenditure

Questions (214)

Robert Troy


214. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount of funding provided to tourism projects (details supplied) in each year since their inception. [40455/18]

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Written answers

The allocation of funding to Fáilte Ireland's individual experience brands is an operational matter for the board and management of Fáilte Ireland.

Accordingly, I have referred the Deputy's question to Fáilte Ireland for direct reply to the Deputy. Please contact my private office if you have not received a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 42A

Bus Services

Questions (215)

Catherine Murphy


215. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he and-or his office has made a submission on the proposed BusConnects plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40466/18]

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Written answers

I have made a submission, on behalf of my constituents, regarding the BusConnects proposals relating to the network redesign during the period of public consultation which closed on the 28th September.

I understand the consultation period elicited a large number of submissions and I expect all of those submissions will be carefully considered by the NTA in the coming months.

Bus Services

Questions (216)

Catherine Murphy


216. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if the National Transport Authority has met with officials from his Department to discuss BusConnects; the number of times the NTA and his Department met before the BusConnects announcement; the number of times they have met since; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40479/18]

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As part of my Department's oversight and monitoring procedures for public transport projects, monthly meetings are held between my officials and the NTA to discuss and review progress on the delivery of various projects, including BusConnects.

In addition to these meetings, my officials are of course briefed by the NTA on a regular basis on any relevant issues, including BusConnects, as the need arises.

Official Engagements

Questions (217)

Alan Kelly


217. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport when the decision was made to attend the 2018 Ryder Cup; the persons who travelled to the event; the date on which flights and hotels were booked; the cost of the trip by cost; the persons he met with; the location in which he met with Ryder Cup officials; when he met with the officials; the length of time he met them for; the location in which he met with European Ryder Cup officials; and the length of time he met them for. [40505/18]

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Written answers

The 2018 Ryder Cup is a three day golf tournament organised by one of the governing bodies for golf in Europe, the European Tour. The European Tour contacted the Department in late August and early September to inquire if either Minister Griffin or I would be interested in attending the event. In the normal course, a Minister would attend significant international sporting events where Irish athletes or sports people are involved. Ireland's involvement in the 2018 Ryder Cup included one player and two Vice-Captains. However, neither I nor Minister Griffin were available to attend due to other commitments. Consequently, both Minister Griffin and I indicated to the European Tour that we would not be in a position to attend. Rather, given the Irish involvement in the European Team, consideration would be given to attendance by officials.

Subsequently, the European Tour conveyed their wish to discuss the hosting of a future Ryder Cup in Ireland and sought a meeting to discuss same with Ministers and officials. The European Tour requested that the meeting would be held at Le Golf National in Paris on one of the three days of the Ryder Cup.

The hosting of a Ryder Cup gives rise to considerable economic value in the host country. Deloitte have reported on the value to the Irish economy of the 2006 Ryder Cup. The direct economic value was estimated to be more than €140m and the full impact was reported to be around €240m. Similarly, the value to the Scottish and Welsh economies, from the 2014 and 2010 events respectively, have been reported and are substantial.

Given the potential value of hosting a future Ryder Cup in Ireland, I reconsidered the European Tour's request for a meeting. On 26 September, I decided that I would travel out to Paris to meet with the European Tour and I cancelled my prior commitments for the day of the meeting, i.e. Sunday, 30 September. I, along with the Secretary General of my Department, the Assistant Secretary with responsibility for tourism and sport and my Special Advisor, travelled to Paris and arrived in Paris on the evening of 29 September.

Flights for me and my Special Advisor were booked on 26 September and flight bookings for the Secretary General and Assistant Secretary were made on 21 September. The total cost of flights was €1,989.70. No costs were incurred for accommodation as this was provided by the European Tour.

Discussions with the European Tour began at a meeting in a pavilion at 11.30 a.m. at Le Golf National. Discussions continued with a viewing of the event infrastructure and facilities, followed by a second meeting at approximately 2 p.m. on Sunday 30 September. The European Tour was represented by Mr. David Williams, Chairman of the European Tour, Mr. Keith Pelley, CEO of the European Tour, Mr. Guy Kinnings, European Tour Deputy CEO, Mr. Richard Hills, Ryder Cup Director, and Mr. Paul McGinley. Mr. McGinley is a former Ryder Cup Captain and also a member of the European Tour Board.
