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Residency Permits

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 9 October 2018

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Questions (180)

Bernard Durkan


180. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality further to Parliamentary Question No. 264 of 2 October 2018, the options now available to a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40992/18]

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I am advised by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) of my Department that the person concerned had his permission to remain in the State renewed for a three year period, to 25th October, 2018. This decision was conveyed in writing to the person concerned by letter dated 7th October, 2015. This communication advised the person concerned of the conditions attaching to his permission to remain and of the requirement that he attend at his local Garda Registration Office to have the registration process completed. This person was also advised that future renewals of the permission to remain should be applied for two weeks in advance of the permission expiring to the local District Headquarters station.

This individual was also informed that the Certificate is an important document and should be kept safely along with the original leave to remain letter from the INIS. It is the current policy of this department not to re-issue permission letters unless the original letter is returned to the department. The letter has to date not been returned to this Department. Therefore there is no onus on this department to re-issue the permission letter at this current time.

Unfortunately, and for reasons relating to fraud prevention, the INIS is not in a position to issue another version of the permission to remain decision letter, dated 07th October, 2015.

However, there is no requirement for an applicant to possess that decision letter when renewing permission to remain in the State with their local immigration registration office. When attending the local registration office for the purposes of renewing permission to remain, the applicant should bring with them: the Certificate of Registration (GNIB card) valid between 2015 and 2018, a valid passport, and the electronic means to pay the requisite registration fee.

Should the applicant have misplaced the Certificate of Registration and not be able to locate it before renewing permission to remain, then they should have in their possession their GNIB number, and further proof of their identity when attending the local immigration registration office.

Queries in relation to the status of individual immigration cases may be made directly to the INIS of my Department by e-mail using the Oireachtas Mail facility which has been specifically established for this purpose. This service enables up to date information on such cases to be obtained without the need to seek information by way of the Parliamentary Questions process. The Deputy may consider using the e-mail service except in cases where the response from the INIS is, in the Deputy’s view, inadequate or too long awaited.
