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Departmental Budgets

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 October 2018

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Questions (333)

Maurice Quinlivan


333. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the 2018 and the new 2019 budget allocations as outlined in budget 2019 for the offices and agencies under the remit of her Department in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [42394/18]

View answer

Written answers

The distribution of exchequer funding allocations as per the 2018 Revised Estimates Volume for each Office and Agency under the aegis of my Department and as provided through my Department’s Vote is set out in the table.

I would advise the Deputy that the funding provision to Enterprise Ireland covers two subheads on my Department’s Vote, Subheads A7 and B4, which span general supports to indigenous firms and for research and development/innovation supports. The table shows the combined allocations of the two subheads.

The table does not capture other Exchequer funding being provided to Enterprise Ireland in 2018 through from the Votes of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Department of Communication, Climate Action and Environment.

Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland are also provided with funding from the National Training Fund (NTF).

The operations of a number of the enterprise agencies are also supported through the generation, retention and use of Agency Own Resource Income, which is subject to annual sanction by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. The operation of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) is essentially self-financing from the fee generation received from personal injury claims.

The operations of the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission are part-funded through fees levied on certain activities provided to clients of both Agencies.

The funding provision to Inter-Trade Ireland is provided on a North-South basis and annual allocations are finalised in conjunction with the Northern Administration.

The Department also provides funding annually to the 31 Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) through Subhead A8 of my Department’s Vote. The LEOs are also supported through funding provided via the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government Vote.

Insofar as the 2019 allocations for my Department’s Offices and Agencies are concerned, the Expenditure Report 2019 set out the summary capital and current allocations for my Department in 2019. The gross allocation of €950.2million for my Department in 2019 as set out in the Report represents an increase of 9.1% on the Department’s 2018 allocation of €871million and includes an increase in our capital funding from €555m to €620million in 2019 and also an increase in our current funding from €316million to €330.2million next year. The distribution of the Department’s 2019 capital and current expenditure as and between its Offices and its Agencies will be determined through the 2019 Revised Estimates Volume (REV) process which will be conducted in the weeks ahead. It is expected that the Rev 2019 will be finalised and published in early December 2019.

2018 Revised Estimates Volume Allocations

(i) Offices of the Department



Companies Registration Office (including the Registry of Friendly Societies)


Employment Appeals Tribunal


Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement


Labour Court


Patents Office


Workplace Relations Commission


(i) Enterprise Agencies

InterTrade Ireland


IDA Ireland


National Standards Authority of Ireland


Enterprise Ireland


Science Foundation Ireland


Health and Safety Authority


Competition and Consumer Protection Commission


Personal Injuries Assessment Board


Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority

