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Tuesday, 16 Oct 2018

Written Answers Nos. 253-269

Schools Administration

Questions (253)

Bernard Durkan


253. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which the pupil teacher ratio and class sizes are progressing in the desired manner; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42485/18]

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Written answers

Budget 2019 marks the third year of a major reinvestment in the education sector, as we continue to implement the Action Plan for Education, our plan to make Ireland’s education and training service the best in Europe by 2026. In 2019, the budget for the Department of Education and Skills will increase by €674 million, a 6.7% increase on last year. In total, the Education budget will have increased by €1.7 billion compared to 2016.

Budget 2019 will see numbers employed in our schools reach the highest ever level. Over 1,300 additional posts in schools will be funded, including more than 370 teaching posts to cater for growth in student population and additional special classes. This builds on the Budget 2018 measure which provided a one-point improvement in the staffing schedule in primary schools which brings the position to the most favourable ever seen at primary level.

The latest figures in relation to pupil teacher ratios show an improved ratio of teachers to students from 16:1 to 15.3:1 at primary level when comparing the 2015/16 school year to the 2017/18 school year. Average class sizes at primary level improved from 24.9 to 24.5 in the same period.

Special Educational Needs Service Provision

Questions (254, 273)

Bernard Durkan


254. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the degree to which adequate special needs classes are available in all areas throughout the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42486/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


273. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which facilities for children with autism or Asperger's syndrome continue to remain available and accessible at primary and second level throughout the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42505/18]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 254 and 273 together.

This government is committed to ensuring every child with special educational needs has the opportunity to fulfil their full potential.

Funding for special education provision in 2018 will amount to some €1.75 billion, up 43% since 2011 and equivalent to 18.7% of the gross overall current allocation for education and training.

The Department's policy is to provide for the inclusive education of children with special educational needs, including Autism (ASD), in mainstream school settings, unless such a placement would not be in the best interests of the child concerned, or the children with whom they will be educated.

The enrolment of a child to a school is a matter, in the first instance, for the parents of the child and the Board of Management of a school. My Department has no role in relation to processing applications for enrolment to schools and it does not maintain details of waiting lists in schools.

Accordingly, the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) advises parents to seek to enrol their child by applying in writing to the school/s of their choice as early as possible. Where parents have been unsuccessful in enrolling their child in a school for the 2018/19 school year, they should update their local SENO to inform the planning process.

The greater proportion of children with special educational needs attend mainstream class, where they may access additional supports if required.

Some students with special educational needs, although academically able to access the curriculum in mainstream, may find it too difficult to manage full-time placement there and placement in a special class is an option for them. Special classes are resourced to cater for six pupils with complex educational needs arising from their diagnosis and as such are staffed with a reduced PTR and Special Needs Assistant support.

Special school placements are provided for other students with very complex special needs who wouldn’t manage in a mainstream school even for part of the week.

The NCSE is responsible, through its network of Special Needs Organisers, for the development and delivery and co-ordination of education services to children with Special Educational Needs, including the establishment of special class and special school placements.

Since 2011, the NCSE has increased the number of special classes from 548 in 2011 to 1,459 across the country now which includes 1,196 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) special classes. 160 of the special classes are new classes for 2018/19 school year. The network of ASD classes includes 131 ASD early intervention classes, 743 primary ASD classes and 322 post-primary ASD classes in mainstream schools.

Details of all special classes for children with special educational needs are available on in county order.

The NCSE is aware of emerging need from year to year, and where special provision is required it is planned and provided for.

The National Council for Special Education has published Guidelines for Boards of Management and Principals of Primary and Post Primary schools which contain information on setting up and organising special classes, including information on resources which may be provided to schools to establish special classes and are available to download from

My Department has acknowledged that in recent years the establishment of special class provision in some schools and communities has been challenging.

As the Deputy may be aware, I signed a Commencement Order on the 4th of October bringing a number of sections of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act, 2018 into operation.

The commencement order will provide the Minister for Education and Skills with a power, after a process of consultation with the National Council for Special Education (NCSE), the board of management and the patron of the school, to compel a school to make additional provision for the education of children with special educational needs. This power will come into effect on Monday 3rd December 2018.

I have asked the NCSE to engage with the education partners and finalise the procedures in advance of this date. This new power will build on the work which has been done in recent years to facilitate schools to open special classes.

My Department will continue to support the NCSE in opening special classes in areas where there is an identified need.

Construction Contracts

Questions (255)

Bernard Durkan


255. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills to indicate the position in regard to the completion of a campus (details supplied); if the timescale remains on target; when the project is likely to be completed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42487/18]

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Written answers

I can confirm to the Deputy that arrangements to complete the project to which he refers remain on track. The current works programme indicates a re-tendering of the project to pre-qualified contractors towards the end of this year with a view to having a contractor back on site to enable the completion of the project by June 2020.

Schools Building Projects Status

Questions (256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265)

Bernard Durkan


256. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which the various school bundles promised for County Kildare at primary and second level remain on target in terms of the relevant development phases; if he remains satisfied in respect of the projected completion dates; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42488/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


260. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which a review has taken place in respect of the provision of primary and post-primary facilities by way of new buildings or extension of the existing building at primary and post-primary level in Naas, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42492/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


261. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which a review has taken place in respect of the provision of primary and post-primary facilities by way of new buildings or extension of the existing building at primary and post-primary level in Maynooth, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42493/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


262. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which a review has taken place in respect of the provision of primary and post-primary facilities by way of new buildings or extension of the existing building at primary and post-primary level in Kilcock, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42494/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


263. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which a review has taken place in respect of the provision of primary and post-primary facilities by way of new buildings or extension of the existing building at primary and post-primary level in Leixlip, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42495/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


264. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which a review has taken place in respect of the provision of primary and post-primary facilities by way of new buildings or extension of the existing building at primary and post-primary level in Celbridge, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42496/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


265. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which a review has taken place in respect of the provision of primary and post-primary facilities by way of new buildings or extension of the existing building at primary and post-primary level in Clane, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42497/18]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 256 and 260 to 265, inclusive, together.

I wish to advise the Deputy that the current status of large-scale projects, including those in County Kildare, being delivered under the school building programme may be viewed on my Department's website,, and this information is updated regularly. In addition, a list of large-scale projects completed from 2010 to date may also be viewed on the website.

I also wish to advise the Deputy of the announcement earlier this year of plans for the establishment of 42 new schools over the next four years (2019-2022), including 4 new schools to provide additional school capacity in County Kildare. This announcement follows nationwide demographic exercises carried out by the Department into the future need for primary and post-primary schools across the country. The four year horizon will enable increased lead-in times for planning and delivery of the necessary infrastructure.

The Government remains committed to delivering on existing projects on the school building programme as soon as possible. I am satisfied that the €8.4 billion investment available under the National Development Plan (2018-2027) will enable us to modernise and transform our school infrastructure in the years ahead.

Schools Establishment

Questions (257)

Bernard Durkan


257. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position in regard to further Educate Together schools requested in County Kildare; the extent to which provision has been made or will be made in the respective areas that have indicated a demand; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42489/18]

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Written answers

As the Deputy will be aware, I have announced new plans aimed at accelerating the provision of multi-denominational and non-denominational schools across the country, in line with the choices of parents, families and school communities and the Programme for Government commitment to reach 400 such schools by 2030.

I would point out that the previous model of patronage divestment yielded only a very limited number of schools for transfer to multi-denominational patrons (11 since 2013). I believe that the new schools reconfiguration for diversity process has the potential to significantly increase patron diversity in our school system.

While these new structures are being introduced, my Department will continue to work with the main stakeholders to progress delivery of diversity in areas already identified, including Leixlip.

As the Deputy will be aware, I recently announced plans for the establishment of 42 new schools over the next four years (2019 to 2022), including:

- a new 8-classroom primary school to be established in 2019 to serve the Leixlip school planning area,

- a new 8-classroom primary school to be established in 2019 to serve the Maynooth school planning area,

- and a new 8-classroom primary school to be established in 2021 to serve the Naas school planning area.

This announcement follows nationwide demographic exercises carried out by my Department into the future need for primary and post-primary schools across the country and the 4-year horizon will enable increased lead-in times for planning and delivery of the necessary infrastructure.

A patronage process is run after it has been decided, based on demographic analysis, that a new school is required. This patronage process is open to all patron bodies, including Educate Together, and prospective patrons. Parental preferences for each patron and language of instruction, from parents of children who reside in the school planning areas concerned, together with the extent of diversity currently available in these areas, are key to decisions in relation to the outcome of this process.

Schools Building Projects Status

Questions (258)

Bernard Durkan


258. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which the various schools affected by a contractor (details supplied) are progressing towards completion and available for the intake of pupils and students; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42490/18]

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Written answers

The following table sets out the current position in relation to the schools affected by the collapse of the building contractor referred to by the Deputy.


Roll No.


Type of project

Original planned Completion date

Revised planned Completion date

Dublin City


Gaelscoil Bharra, Cabra

New 8 classroom school


School ready for occupation on 1/9/17, some ground works still to be completed



Portlaoise amalgamation, (St Paul's, Sacred Heart & Scoil Mhuire) Portlaoise Rd, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.

New Schools - 3 existing schools amalgamating into 2 new schools -

Two new 24 classroom schools with a combined GP Hall.


Jnr School ready for occupation on 9/6/17 - Snr School ready for occupation on 29/8/17, some ground works still to be completed



Tullamore College

Demolition of the existing single storey secondary school buildings and their replacement with a 7,076m2 part single part two storey school building to provide accommodation for 675 pupils


School ready for occupation on 27/2/17, some ground works still to be completed



New Ross Jnr & Snr Schools, Castlemoyle

2 new 18 classroom schools each with a 2 classroom ASD Unit


Schools ready for occupation on 25/01/17, some snags/defects still to be rectified



Arklow Community College, Coolgreaney Rd, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

New school to cater for 710 pupils


School ready for occupation on 23/12/15, some ground works still to be completed



St Colman's College, Midleton, Co Cork

Extension of 5,640sqm including ASD Unit PE Hall to provide accommodation for

1000 pupils


School should be ready for occupation Sept 2019



Coláiste an Chraoibhin, Fermoy, CO Cork

Extension of 3,845 sqm including ASD Unit PE Hall to provide accommodation for

850 pupils


School should be ready for occupation Sept 2019



Maynooth Post Primary School, Maynooth

Replacement school for

1000 pupils


School should be ready for occupation June 2020



Maynooth Community College, Maynooth

New 1000 pupil

with a shared Sports Hall with Maynooth Post Primary School


School should be ready for occupation June 2020



Tyndall College

1000 pupil school


School should be ready for occupation by end of 2018/early 2019.



Carlow Institute of Further Education

1000 pupil school


School should be ready for occupation by end of 2018/early 2019.



Eureka Secondary School, Kells

800 pupil school


School should be ready for occupation by end of 2018/early 2019.



Coláiste Raithin, Bray

450 pupil school


School ready for occupation on 31/08/2018



Ravenswell Primary School, Bray

24 Classroom School


School ready for occupation on 18/09/2018



Loreto Secondary School

900 pupil school


School ready for occupation on 23/08/ 2018

Schools Building Projects Status

Questions (259)

Bernard Durkan


259. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position in regard to the development of a school (details supplied); if the plans have advanced sufficiently to ensure the availability of the facility as and when required; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42491/18]

View answer

Written answers

The project to which the Deputy refers has been devolved for delivery to the local Education and Training Board (ETB).

The project is at stage 2b of the architectural planning process. When stage 2b has been approved, the next stage is tendering for a contractor. My Department expects to be able to approve the project to move to the tender stage shortly.

My Department will meet the interim accommodation needs of the school pending the delivery of its new building.

Questions Nos. 260 to 265, inclusive, answered with Question No. 256.

Schools Facilities

Questions (266)

Bernard Durkan


266. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding the provision of extra facilities at a school (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42498/18]

View answer

Written answers

I can confirm that my Department is in receipt of an application for major capital funding from the school referred to by the Deputy.

I wish to advise that my Department has made contact with the school authorities to advise that immediate accommodation deficits, including the replacement of prefab accommodation, can be dealt with under the Additional School Accommodation scheme. In that context the school has been advised to submit an application to my Department for the replacement of prefabs.

My Department will process the application once received and revert to the school with a decision.

Schools Facilities

Questions (267)

Bernard Durkan


267. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills he extent to which the existing facilities at a school (details supplied) remains adequate; his plans to meet the upcoming requirements; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42499/18]

View answer

Written answers

I wish to advise the Deputy that my Department has no record of receiving an application for funding for improved facilities from the school in question.

It is open to the school authorities to make an application for additional accommodation through the Additional School Accommodation scheme where an accommodation deficit is identified. Any application received will be considered and a decision will be conveyed to the school authority as soon as possible.

School Patronage

Questions (268, 269)

Bernard Durkan


268. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which patronage issues affecting various schools throughout County Kildare have progressed in accordance with plans; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42500/18]

View answer

Bernard Durkan


269. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the degree to which patronage of various schools throughout the country has been resolved in line with expectations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42501/18]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 268 and 269 together.

Regarding the Schools Reconfiguration for Diversity process, as the Deputy will be aware, I developed this new process, in order to provide more multi-/non-denominational schools across the country, in line with the choices of families and school communities and the Programme for Government commitment for 400 such schools by 2030.

There are two Phases to the new process – the Identification Phase and the Implementation Phase.

The Identification Phase is currently underway in 16 areas nationwide. Each of the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) has selected an initial pilot area within its functional area, in which it considers, based on census data and local knowledge, that there exists a demand for more diversity in educational provision. Surveys of parents of pre-school children have been carried out in these areas by the relevant City/County Childcare Committee on behalf of the ETBs. ETBs, having analysed the survey results, draw up comprehensive reports on the position in relation to each of the 16 pilot areas. This forms the basis of discussions with the most prevalent patron/landowner in the area (the Catholic Bishop in most cases) concerning the transfer of patronage of an existing school(s) to meet that demand. The response by the landowner/patron to any identified demand for greater diversity is included in the report prepared by the ETB for submission to my Department, which will subsequently publish the reports.

Following the publication of the first round of reports, the Schools Reconfiguration process will move into the Implementation Phase. This Phase involves consultation with local school communities on accommodating demand for diversity by transferring patronage of an existing school to a new multi-/non-denominational patron. Draft protocols for the Implementation Phase are at an advanced stage of development and consultation with Catholic Church representatives is ongoing.

In relation to Kildare specifically, a town/area in County Kildare has not been identified for survey as Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board has chosen to survey Bray in Co. Wicklow as part of this initial roll-out. A second round of town selections and surveys of pre-school parents will be organised by ETBs when the outcomes of the initial round of pilot surveys have been assessed and any necessary adjustments made in the Schools Reconfiguration process.

I believe that this new Schools Reconfiguration process, which involves the transfer of live schools, has the potential to significantly increase patronage diversity in our school system.
