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Garda Misconduct Allegations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 17 October 2018

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Questions (67)

Clare Daly


67. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the status of the progress of the statutory inquiries established as a result of recommendations of the independent review mechanism. [42360/18]

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The Deputy is referring to five Statutory Inquiries, which were established under Section 42 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005, on 15 May 2017. These inquiries arose out of the recommendations of Counsel of the Independent Review Mechanism, in respect of complaints considered by it.

As the Deputy will be aware, two of these Inquiries have concluded and reports have been furnished to me.

I can confirm that a copy of Judge Mary Collins' report into the maintenance of Garda records relating to the investigation of the death of James Clancy and the Honourable Mr. Justice Daniel Herbert’s report of the Garda investigation of the death of John Kelly have been provided to the families of Mr. Clancy and Mr. Kelly respectively. I expect to be in a position to publish them on the website of my Department before the end of this month.

Three remaining Inquiries are currently on-going. I have granted appropriate extensions of time for each inquiry. Upon receipt of each of these reports, I will review the contents and consider whether any further action is warranted.
