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Brexit Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 October 2018

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Questions (190)

Bernard Durkan


190. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the degree to which she is engaged in the encouragement of business and enterprise with all EU states having particular regard to the impact of Brexit; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43044/18]

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I want to assure the Deputy that the Government's work on Brexit preparedness at all levels and for all outcomes is well advanced. Brexit presents the most significant economic challenge of the past 50 years for businesses in all parts of the country and my Department and its agencies are working hard to ensure that potentially impacted firms are taking the necessary steps to prepare and mitigate risks and to take advantage of potential opportunities.

The Eurozone is a key market for Irish businesses, and the second largest market for client companies Enterprise Ireland (EI). Exports to the Eurozone were worth €4.6 billion in 2017, up 9% on the 2016 figure. EI is continuing to work with companies to provide them with the skills and expertise they need to expand into markets throughout the Eurozone.

EI has a range of supports to assist companies in expanding into new markets, including:

- Market Discovery Fund - supports Enterprise Ireland clients research new markets for products and services.

- “Prepare to Export Scorecard”: The Scorecard helps Irish companies with global ambition to self-assess how prepared they are to start exporting.

- Operational Excellence Offer: Enables Irish companies trading internationally to develop or transform their wider business in order to compete more effectively.

- Irish Advantage Campaign: The aim of the #Irish Advantage export promotion campaign, is to stimulate awareness of Irish products and services and encourage buyers to source from Ireland.

- A new Online customs Training Programme to be launched shortly to demystify customs procedures. This will be available to all exporters and importers.

- Brexit Advisory Clinics: The purpose of these clinics is to encourage companies to examine their potential exposure to Brexit, to complete the Brexit SME Scorecard and use the Be Prepared Grant to plan their strategic response to Brexit.

- Brexit Scorecard: An interactive online platform to self-assess exposure to Brexit under six business pillars.

- Be Prepared Grant: This grant offers SME clients a grant of up to €5,000 to assist them in preparing an action plan for economic shocks such as Brexit.

- The Agile Innovation Fund: giving companies rapid fast-track access to innovation funding, and up to 50% in support for product, process or service development projects with a total cost of up to €300,000.

- Brexit 'Act On' Programme: This funding is to support the engagement of a consultant to draw up a report with tailored recommendations to help clients address weaknesses and become more resilient.

- Strategic Consultancy Grant: This helps client companies to hire a strategic consultant for a set period to assist the company to develop and implement significant strategic initiatives.

In addition, earlier this week EI held its annual International Markets Week (IMW) event at the RDS with a record 650 Irish exporters attending over three days. More than 150 international Market Advisors from EI’s 33 overseas offices attended over 2,100 meetings, giving advice to Irish companies on global export opportunities and how to diversify into new markets. This year’s IMW also featured a Brexit Zone, where experts offered practical advice and assistance to companies exporting to the UK. The Brexit Zone also gave companies an opportunity to have one-to-one meetings with experts to discuss practical issues related to Customs, Transport and Logistics; Financial and Currency Management and Strategic Sourcing.

Questions Nos. 191 and 192 answered with Question No. 188.