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Hospital Waiting Lists Action Plans

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 October 2018

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Questions (128)

Aindrias Moynihan


128. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Health his plans to reduce waiting lists in hospitals in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43543/18]

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Reducing waiting time for patients for hospital operations and procedures is a key priority for the Government. This year has seen ongoing improvements with the number of patients waiting for inpatient and daycase procedures (IPDC), now at 72,700 from the peak of 86,100 in July 2017. This represents a 16% reduction in the overall number of patients waiting for an inpatient or day case procedure.

In Budget 2019 the Government has further increased investment in this area, with funding to the NTPF to increase from €55m in 2018 to €75m in 2019. My Department is working closely with the National Treatment Purchase Fund and the HSE to finalise the 2019 Waiting List Initiatives before the end of this year. This will include the continuing engagement of the NTPF with the HSE and public hospitals inviting proposals for waiting list initiatives either through the private sector or through public sector insourcing. The NTPF will provide funding to the solutions proposed if appropriate.

I also recently met with the CEO’s of all hospital groups to discuss improving access for patients and requested that they work with the NTPF and HSE to develop innovative proposals to address the number of long waiters on outpatient lists in 2019.

More broadly, the HSE advises that construction was completed on Phase I of the expansion of Paediatric Department Cork University Hospital (CUH), which became operational in March 2017. This has started the process of centralisation of Paediatric Services at CUH for the city. In addition, the construction of the new Radiation Oncology facility that commenced in May 2017 is expected to be operational by 2020.

In South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital (SIVUH), the Ophthalmology Outpatient build has gone to tender with construction scheduled for April 2018. There is also further development planned in relation to the expansion of regional Pain, Dermatology Services and Ophthalmic surgery.

In Mercy University Hospital (MUH), there are plans for developments in relation to Radiology services, Gastroenterology services and theatre upgrades.
