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Land Parcel Identification System

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 October 2018

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Questions (491)

Michael Healy-Rae


491. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding a person (details supplied) who has received a letter in relation to an overclaim on two parcels; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43226/18]

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The over claims in this case were identified as part of the standard review of land details contained in the Land Parcel Identification System.

As part of the review process, officials in my Department requested the submission of supporting evidence to determine the eligibility of the land in question. This new information has been received and the resulting review is now complete. The original eligible area has now been restored, and this will be reflected when the balancing payments under the Basic Payment Scheme issue later this year.
