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Tuesday, 23 Oct 2018

Written Answers Nos. 704-721

Housing Data

Questions (704, 705, 706, 707, 708)

Catherine Murphy


704. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the number of local authority house completions in each of the years 2013 to 2017; the projected number for 2018 and 2019; the costs per year associated with the completions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43940/18]

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Catherine Murphy


705. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the number of turnkey purchases completed in each of the years 2013 to 2017; the projected number in 2018, by county; the costs per year associated with the turnkey completions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43941/18]

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Catherine Murphy


706. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the number of Part V purchases in each of the years 2013 to 2017; the projected number for 2018, by local authority; the costs per year associated with Part V purchases in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43945/18]

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Catherine Murphy


707. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the projected local authority build starts and completions for 2019, 2020 and 2021, by local authority; the amount budgeted for each year for the commencements and completions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43947/18]

View answer

Catherine Murphy


708. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the projected Part V build starts and completions for 2019, 2020 and 2021, by local authority; the amount budgeted for those commencements and completions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43944/18]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 704 to 708, inclusive, together.

Data in relation to local authority social housing delivery, for the period 2013-2017, is available on my Department's website at the following link:

The overall targets under Rebuilding Ireland for social housing build, including Part V and turnkeys, is 4,969 units in 2018 and 6,545 units in 2019. Details in relation to build targets on a local authority basis for 2018, can be accessed on the Rebuilding Ireland website at:

Targets are reviewed annually and following Budget 2019, the number of social housing homes to be delivered in 2019 under Rebuilding Ireland is as follows:

Rebuilding Ireland Targets


New build


Part V




Total: Build


Total: Acquisition


Total: Lease


Total: Build, Acquisition and Lease








My Department is supporting local authorities in the provision of new build social housing through a range of different initiatives, including the construction of social homes on their own lands, construction delivery in conjunction with Approved Housing Bodies and also, local authorities are working in partnership with private developers to deliver social housing construction through turnkey arrangements.

Through this range of supports, local authorities now have substantial pipelines of new build social housing projects approved, details of which can be seen in the Quarter 2 2018 Construction Status Report, which is available on the Rebuilding Ireland website at the following link:

The Construction Status Report includes construction schemes being delivered through a range of different programmes including turnkey projects. The latest report shows that 381 turnkey projects with 5,164 units are at different stages of planning, construction and completion under the Rebuilding Ireland Plan, with more coming on stream over the remainder of the period to 2021. These projects are being delivered as part of the overall Build Programme and as such no specific targets are set for delivery of turnkeys.

While the management of the social housing delivery programmes is a matter for individual local authorities, my Department has set the targets across the period 2016-2021 and is working closely with all stakeholders to accelerate delivery and further expand pipelines.

In relation to Part V delivery, output details for the period 2013-2017 is available on my Department’s website at the following link:

My Department does not track commencements of Part V schemes specifically but additional overall statistical information on Part V delivery to end Q2 2018 is available at the following link:

Agreements on Part V arrangements are a matter for local authorities. The current options available to local authorities for Part V delivery are:

- the transfer of ownership of land, subject to the planning permission application, to a local authority for the provision of social housing remains the default option as is currently the case. The land option must be acceptable to the local authority, as well as the developer;

- the building and transfer of ownership to the local authority, or persons nominated, of completed social housing units on the site subject to the planning permission;

- the transfer of ownership to the local authority, or persons nominated, of completed social housing units on other land;

- the Part V obligation can now be fulfilled by developers through long term leasing of properties; and

- a combination of the options above.

It should be noted that the delivery of build, turnkey and Part V homes are funded as part of the overall social housing delivery programme. While it is not possible to disaggregate on a year by year basis the expenditure on turnkey and Part V social housing homes, analysis of Part V units delivered in 2017, under the Social Housing Capital Investment Programme, indicates an average cost of approximately €194,500. In terms of local authority social housing homes commissioned through turnkey developments under Rebuilding Ireland, the average cost is approximately €233,000 per unit.

The total expenditure for the various housing programmes for 2013 to 2017 was as follows:


Funding (€)


579.9 million


585.4 million


761.7 million


942.7 million


1.408 billion

The total allocation for housing in 2018 is €1.9 billion which will meet the housing needs of 25,500 households in 2018. Of the 25,500 housing supports, almost 8,000 new social homes will be delivered in 2018 through build, acquisition and long term leasing programmes.

The total budget for the delivery of housing programmes in 2019 will be €2.4 billion, which will see the housing needs of almost 27,400 households being met. The funding for housing programmes for 2020 and 2021 will be determined, in the context of the annual budgetary process.

Social and Affordable Housing

Questions (709)

Catherine Murphy


709. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government further to Parliamentary Question No. 627 of 2 October 2018, the timeline for this project from the beginning pre-planning application to the estimated time of delivery of the four turnkey units; the historical amount of funds released for this project by his Department; if there are funds in excess of the €1.1 million allocated should the project overrun or encounter further unforeseen construction issues (details supplied); if a contractor has been appointed for this project; if there are penalty clauses for a delay in the delivery of the project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43954/18]

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Written answers

My Department issued Stage 1 approval in principle for the scheme concerned in August 2016 and this was followed by a revised Stage 2 in December 2017 and Stage 3 in April 2018.  As stated in my previous reply, Stage 4 approval for construction and associated funding of €1.1m was sanctioned in July of this year allowing the scheme to progress to construction.  An over run of costs is not anticipated.  To date €37,661 has been recouped to Wicklow County Council for expenditure on this scheme.

It is understood from the Council, that construction is anticipated to commence on site in the first week of November 2018; however, some enabling works are being carried out prior to commencement. It is expected that the scheme will be completed in the third quarter of 2019. 

With regard to penalty clauses, publicly funded construction contracts are regulated by the conditions of contract known as the GCCC Forms of Contract published by the Office of Government Procurement.  A requirement of the contract is that the Employer must make a pre-estimate of its loss or damages in the event of non-completion by the due date, which is included in the tender documents. It is a matter for the local authority concerned as the Employer and a contracting party to comply with the requirements of the contract. The Employer should deduct such damages from money due to the Contractor, in the event of non-completion by the due date, unless this date is extended for reasons set out in the contract. Responsibility for complying with the conditions of the contract rests with the two contracting parties, i.e. the local authority and the Contractor.

National Lottery Funding Disbursement

Questions (710)

Peadar Tóibín


710. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the apportionment details of national lottery funding given to arts funding bodies over the past five years; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43190/18]

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Under section 8 of the National Lottery Act 1986, the proceeds of the National Lottery are paid into the Central Fund of the Exchequer and therefore National Lottery funding is one of the constituents of Exchequer funding.  The apportionment of National Lottery funding to various lines of voted expenditure is the responsibility of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.

The components of my Department’s Vote, which are part-funded by National Lottery proceeds are:

- Subhead A.9 An Chomhairle Ealaíon (Arts Council)

- Subhead B.3 Grant for An Chomhairle Oidhreachta (Heritage Council)

- Subhead C.4 Irish Language Support Schemes.

Allocations in respect of these subheads are set out in the Revised Estimates Volumes for the years in question and published by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on its website at  The details from the relevant Revised Estimates Volumes are reproduced below.




























Wastewater Treatment

Questions (711)

Seán Haughey


711. Deputy Seán Haughey asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if the National Parks and Wildlife Service has been consulted by Irish Water regarding an application (details supplied) to An Bord Pleanála for a wastewater treatment plant at Clonshaugh, Dublin 17; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43191/18]

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In June 2018 an application for the proposed integrated waste water treatment project at Clonshaugh Dublin 17 and associated works (known as the Greater Dublin Drainage Project) was referred to me in my role as a statutory consultee under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Heritage related observations on the proposal issued from my Department in August 2018 to An Bord Pleanála which is the consent authority for this application.  Further information pertaining to the application was referred to my Department in August 2018. Agents acting on behalf of Irish Water also consulted with my Department at pre-planning stage.

Any submissions made by prescribed bodies to planning authorities may be taken into consideration by the authority when making its determination on the application and I have no role in this regard, nor can I comment on ongoing planning applications.

Languages Programme

Questions (712)

Timmy Dooley


712. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the grants awarded to Irish summer colleges outside of the Gaeltacht in the past ten years; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43296/18]

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Assuming that the Deputy is referring to capital assistance in his question, my Department has sanctioned €55,480 to Coláiste Bhréanainn, Co Kerry, and Coláiste Eoghain Uí Chomhraidhe, Carraig an Chabhaltaigh, Co Clare, in the past ten years in respect of improvement works under the Department's Community and Language Supports Programme.

Details regarding the capital assistance provided to support both colleges in providing language learning opportunities over the summer months are as follows:

Coláiste Bhréanainn, Baile an Bhuinneánaigh, Co Kerry

€22,833, €5,959 and €18,160  in 2009, 2012 and 2012 respectively, in respect of equipment and upgrade of facilities - Total: €46,952

Coláiste  Eoghain Uí Chomhraidhe, Carraig an Chabhaltaigh, Co  Clare

€8,528 in 2018 in respect of upgrade works.

Ministerial Meetings

Questions (713)

Mattie McGrath


713. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the details of engagements, meetings or correspondence that she has had with a person (details supplied) in the past three years; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43389/18]

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Written answers

Further to my response to Parliamentary Question Number 347 of 18th October, I have not had any meetings or correspondence with the person identified by the Deputy during the period in question. 

Comhairle Aireachta Thuaidh-Theas

Questions (714)

Peadar Tóibín


714. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Peadar Tóibín den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta de thoradh Cheist Pharlaiminte Uimh. 682 an 16 Deireadh Fómhair 2018, an ndearna CATT cinneadh maidir leis an treoir a thug an Roinn agus an Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe; an mbaineann na cúinsí pá céanna leis na heagraíochtaí trasteorann eile; ar pléadh an ciorrú pá seo leis na ceardchumainn sular tugadh an treoir seo; an dóigh leí an Aire go bhfuil sé cothrom go bhfuil oibrithe Fhoras na Gaeilge ar scála pá níos ísle ná oibrithe na n-eagraíochtaí a bhfuil siad ag tabhairt maoiniú dóibh; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [43541/18]

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Is iad na Ranna Airgeadais sa dá dhlínse a shocraíonn na prionsabail foirne do na forais trasteorann faoi na socruithe coiteanna a leagtar síos i gCuid 7 d'Iarscríbhinn 2 don Sceideal d'Acht um Chomhaontú na Breataine-na hÉireann 1999.

Tuigtear dom go mbaineann na cúinsí pá céanna leis na forais trasteorainn ar fad.   

Mar a chuir mé in iúl i mo fhreagra ar Cheist Dála Uimh. 682 ar an 16 Deireadh Fómhair, tá cúrsaí pá don fhoireann ó dheas ceangailte go díreach le catagóir a mballraíochta sa Scéim Pinsin Thuaidh Theas, sin é, an bhfuiltear sa bhunscéim nó sa scéim le cearta forchoimeádta.  Tar éis plé leis na ceardchumainn i 2014, tuigtear dom gur thángthas ar chomhaontú, le teorainn ama, chun deis aonuaire a thabhairt d'fhostaithe ó dheas na bhforas trasteorann  go bhféadfaidís rogha a dhéanamh maidir lena mballraíocht i gceachtar scéime.  Tuigtear dom go n-eascraíonn buntáistí difriúla ón dá scéim.

Sa chomhthéacs réamhluaite, baineann ceisteanna maidir le pá fostaithe Fhoras na Gaeilge le cúinsí oibríochtúla inmheánacha na háisíneachta.

Local Authority Funding

Questions (715)

Peadar Tóibín


715. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the categories of funding available to local authorities through her Department; the amount of funding provided for each scheme in 2016 and 2017; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43726/18]

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Written answers

My Department operates a wide range of funding schemes in the areas of arts, culture, heritage and the Gaeltacht.  Details of these schemes,including funding awarded, made available in relation to these Schemes are available on my Department's website.  Should the Deputy wish to submit a specific query in respect of any particular scheme my official would be happy to assist him.

Heritage Schemes

Questions (716)

Fiona O'Loughlin


716. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the supports provided to protect historic structures at risk in County Kildare in 2017 and to date in 2018; her plans for 2019 in this regard; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43767/18]

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Written answers

My Department provides financial support for the protection of heritage buildings and historic structures through a number of schemes which are generally administered by local authorities.

The Built Heritage Investment Scheme is a scheme for the repair and conservation of protected structures on the local authority Record of Protected Structures. It is designed to leverage private capital for investment in small scale conservation projects across the country and to support the employment of skilled conservation professionals and tradespeople. I have allocated funding of €2m in total for this Scheme in 2018. In 2017 and 2018 a total of €100,000 was provided in grant aid under this scheme for 28 projects in County Kildare.

The Structures at Risk Fund enables conservation works to heritage structures, in both private and public ownership, which are deemed to be at significant risk of deterioration. I have allocated €1.3m for the Structures at Risk Fund nationally in 2018. Over the course of 2017 and 2018, a total of €119,000 was allocated to 5 projects in County Kildare under this scheme. Details of the projects approved under both funding schemes are published on my Department’s website and on local authority websites.

In terms of future funding, Investing in our Culture, Language and Heritage 2018 – 2027 represents a major capital investment scheme of €1.2 billion in funding over the next 10 years, as part of Project Ireland 2040. This plan will see increased investment in protecting and celebrating our built heritage across the country. More details on the commencement and completion dates for projects and programmes, as well as the timing of the expenditure in relation to them, will emerge as we go through the process of appraisal and planning as required under the Public Spending Code.

The Heritage Council, which my Department funds, also provides grants for the protection and preservation of the built heritage.  It is primarily a matter for the Heritage Council to decide how its funding should be allocated across the range of research, education and conservation programmes it supports.  Grant schemes are advertised by the Heritage Council on its website

Departmental Funding

Questions (717)

Brendan Griffin


717. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the funding available for a group (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43812/18]

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My Department does not have a funding scheme for the operational costs of projects such as that referred to in the question. The relevant local authority may be able to provide assistance or advice. 

Land Acquisition

Questions (718)

Brendan Griffin


718. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht her views on a matter (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43820/18]

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The legal process of acquiring lands from the local landowners to facilitate works to provide enhanced public access to the area has taken longer than had been anticipated but is now close to conclusion.

Seirbhísí Oileán

Questions (719)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


719. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cad iad na pleananna atá aici chun feabhas a chur ar Ché na Reannaí ag Athphort ar oileán Árainn Mhór; an dtabharfaidh sí sonraí maidir leis na pleananna chun an togra a thabhairt chun críche agus aon dul chun cinn atá déanta aici ón am deireanach a chuir mé an cheist seo; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [43849/18]

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Mar is eol don Teachta, tá deontais éagsúla ceadaithe ag mo Roinn do Chomhairle Chontae Dhún na nGall thar na blianta, don togra luaite.  Tuigtear go bhfuil gá ceadúnas urthrá a fháil ina leith, nach bhfuil an ceadúnas sin faighte go fóill ag an gComhairle Chontae agus go bhfuil tuilleadh suirbhéanna le déanamh mar chuid den iarratas ar an gceadúnas.  Níl iarratas ar chúnamh faighte ag mo Roinn ón gComhairle maidir leis an togra.  Má fhaigheann mo Roinn a leithéid d’iarratas, déanfar é a mheas chomh báúil agus is féidir, ag cur san áireamh na hacmhainní atá ar fáil d'fhorbairt na n-oileán agus na héilimh éagsúla ina dtaobh.  

Seirbhísí agus Tacaíochtaí Gaeilge

Questions (720)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


720. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an dtabharfaidh sí cuntas ar an dul chun cinn maidir le scéim na gCúntóirí Teanga, go háirithe maidir leis na poist bhreise a cheadaigh an tAire ach nár líonadh in 2017 i scoil (sonraí tugtha); cén fáth, i mBliain seo na Gaeilge, go bhfuil scoileanna ag fanacht ar chúntóir teanga le breis agus dhá bhliain; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [43850/18]

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Ceadaigh mó Roinnse allúntas méadaithe, ar fiú suas le €1.02 million é ina iomláine, i rith an tsamhraidh do Scéim na gCúntóirí Teanga i leith na scoilbhliana reatha 2018/2019.  Mar chuid de sin, ceadaíodh maoiniú chun freastal at 32 scoil bhreise atá ag glacadh páirt sa Scéim Aitheantais Scoileanna Gaeltachta.

In 2017, cuireadh allúntas de €784,442 ar fáil do Mhuintearas Teo. agus d'Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne chun cur ar a gcumas Scéim na gCúntóirí Teanga a reáchtáil do scoilbhliain 2017/2018 thar ceann na Roinne. Ba ionann an t-allúntas sin agus allúntas 2016/2017. Níor ceadaíodh aon scoil bhreise anuraidh agus, mar gheall air sin, níor ceadaíodh aon chúntóir breise.

Tá mo Roinn ag obair ar athbhreithniú ar Scéim na gCuntóirí Teanga i gcomhréir leis an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna i gcomhthéacs an Pholasaí don Oideachas Gaeltachta. Mar chuid den athbhreithniú sin, déanfar sonrú ar na critéir cháilitheachta do scoileanna chun páirt a ghlacadh sa scéim.  Beidh fáilte roimh gach scoil Ghaeltachta iarratas a dhéanamh faoin scéim ach na critéir sin a shásamh.

Is faoin dá eagraíocht thuasluaite atá sé na socruithe a dhéanamh maidir le hearcú cúntóirí chun freastal ar na scoileanna breise thuasluaite. Tuigtear go bhfuil an obair sin idir lámha faoi láthair.

Seirbhísí Gaeltachta

Questions (721)

Pat the Cope Gallagher


721. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an ndéanfaidh sí sonraí a sholáthar maidir leis an bpleanáil do thonnchosc i Machaire Rabhartaigh i gContae Dhún na nGall; an dtabharfaidh sí sonraí breise i dtaobh cén maoiniú atá ar fáil don staid phleanála den togra, cén dul chun cinn atá déanta aici ar an togra seo ón t-ám deireanach a chuir mé an cheist seo; cén uair a cheadaigh a roinn an maoiniú seo agus cén clár ama beacht atá ann maidir le dul chun cinn an togra seo, mar a comhaontaíodh le comhairle contae Dhún na nGall, ós rud é go bhfuil cead tugtha anois ag an roinn an togra a bhogadh ar aghaidh go dtí an staid phleanála; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [43851/18]

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Mar is eol don Teachta, is faoi chúram Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall atá Cé Mhachaire Rabhartaigh.  Tá forbairt na cé luaite sa Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta mar cheann de na tograí oileáin a mhaoineofar faoin Phlean.  Tá mo Roinn ag oibriú le Comhairle Chontae Dhún na nGall agus le geallsealbhóirí ábhartha chun forbairt na cé a bhrú chun cinn.  Beidh gá don Chomhairle scóip an tionscadail a mheas agus, chuige sin, beidh gá innealtóirí comhairleacha a cheapadh.  Tá céimeanna sa treo sin idir lámha ag an gComhairle Chontae.  Ní féidir clár ama don tionscadal a leagan amach ag an bpointe seo ach mar aon le haon togra mór infreastruchtúir eile, cuirfear an togra seo i gcríoch go céimiúil faoi réir riachtanais an Chóid um Caiteachais Phoiblí. 
