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Traffic Management

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 25 October 2018

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Questions (320)

John Curran


320. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his views on An Bord Pleanála's decision to refuse planning permission for the proposed Dublin civic plaza at College Green that would have seen the area pedestrianised; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44249/18]

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The planning application for the College Green Plaza was brought to An Bord Pleanála by Dublin City Council and as the Deputy is aware the Council is not a body under my Department's aegis.

In 2015 the Council, in partnership with the National Transport Authority, published a Dublin City Centre Transport Study. That study set out various measures to ensure the efficient functioning of transport and also to enhance the public realm within the city centre.

The issues underpinning the Study's consideration of the challenges and opportunities facing the city centre remain and I understand that the Council and the NTA are currently considering the implications of the Board's decision in relation to their respective competencies.
