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Departmental Budgets

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 25 October 2018

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Questions (327)

Barry Cowen


327. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the breakdown of the €10,590,000 capital allocation in civil aviation (details supplied) within his Department for 2019 by specific project; the projects that will be commenced and completed in 2019, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44506/18]

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The Capital allocation for Civil Aviation of €10,590,000 is mainly to support targeted investment in safety and security related projects under the Regional Airports Programme in respect of airports at Donegal, Kerry and Ireland West Airport Knock.

As part of the annual grant approval process, my Department will shortly invite regional airports to submit applications in respect of such projects.  Once received, the Department will assess all applications to ensure full compliance with the conditions of the grant schemes under the Regional Airports Programme as well as with EU State Aid Rules.  Assessment of the 2019 applications from the regional airports (Donegal, Knock and Kerry) will get underway early next year.  I expect that a recommendation on Capital grant allocations will be made to me by March with a view to announcing the breakdown of allocations shortly thereafter.

Full details on the allocations for each of my Department's subheads for 2019 will be set out, as usual, in the Revised Estimates Volume (REV). In the meantime my Department is in discussion with relevant agencies regarding the details of allocations. 

In relation to 2019 in particular, I have published further details on the 17% year on year increase in the budget for the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. These details are available at:
