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Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018

Written Answers Nos. 1-59

European Council Meetings

Questions (34)

Mattie McGrath


34. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Taoiseach if he will report on the issues raised during his attendance at the European Council meeting in October 2018. [43428/18]

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I attended a series of European Council meetings in Brussels on Wednesday 17 October and Thursday 18 October.Ahead of our meeting on the evening of 17 October, Prime Minister May had the opportunity to outline the UK perspective on the Brexit negotiations. We then met in Article 50 format, where Michel Barnier provided an update on negotiations since the Informal Summit in Salzburg.

I reiterated the need to ensure that a legally robust backstop is agreed as part of the Withdrawal Agreement, and that this must apply unless and until it is replaced by alternative arrangements that make it no longer necessary. I thanked partners for their ongoing strong solidarity on this issue.

We agreed that not enough progress had been achieved in the negotiations on the Withdrawal Agreement. We reiterated our readiness to convene a European Council, if and when Michel Barnier reports that decisive progress has been made and called on him to continue his efforts to reach an agreement in accordance with previously agreed European Council guidelines.

On 18 October, the European Council exchanged views on migration, particularly the external aspects of migration; and on internal security, where our focus was on cyber-security. We also discussed a number of foreign policy issues, including EU relations with Africa, and climate change.

We then had a Euro Summit meeting, where we discussed progress towards Economic and Monetary Union.

I was happy to give a detailed read-out of the meetings to the House on 24 October.

Questions Nos. 35 to 59, inclusive, resubmitted.