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Youth Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 7 November 2018

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Questions (31)

Anne Rabbitte


31. Deputy Anne Rabbitte asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if her attention has been drawn to Tusla's decision to terminate its service level agreement with a programme (details supplied) in County Galway and the negative impacts this will have with young persons in the county. [45933/18]

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Tusla, the Child and Family Agency has an annual Service Level Agreement in place with the organisation to which the Deputy refers, YAP Ireland.  

Under the terms of the current Agreement, the organisation is contracted in the Galway/Roscommon area to provide a support service to 18 young people in need. The young people are assigned an advocate that will work with them over a 6 month period.

During the course of this year, Tusla developed an initiative called Creative Community Alternatives (CCA) which is designed to support the planned exit of children and young people who are in residential care or foster care, and to avoid those at risk being placed in residential care. The overall aim of the Community Care Alternatives is to enable children and young people at risk to live in their own communities with wrap around supports.

Children and young people with extremely complex needs can display challenging and high risk taking behaviours, drug and alcohol issues, mental health issues, attachment issues, educational problems and family environmental issues.

The broad ranging intensive wrap around supports provided through the Creative Community Alternatives are designed to meet the identified needs of each child or young person.

One example is a nine month programme which works intensively with a child or young person who is identified at high risk of admission to care.  It is a partnership between Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board, Foroige and Tusla.  The programme sets goals and measurable outcomes for each young person.  There is a heavy emphasis on participation and citizenship.

With the roll out of Community Care Alternatives in Galway, Tusla made a decision not to renew its Service Level Agreement in the Galway/Roscommon area with YAP Ireland.

Tusla has also advised me that the decision not to renew the Service Level Agreement was communicated to the CEO of YAP Ireland and the Director of Services on 28 June, 2018 and a meeting was held in September 2018.

I believe it is good practice for Tusla to review its services on a continuous basis, including the work carried out by Tusla staff in the Galway/Roscommon area through its Creative Community Alternatives plan. I have been assured by Tusla that the needs of children and young people in Galway will be met under the new arrangements.

Tusla will continue to work with YAP Ireland in the region until the end of 2018 in line with the Service Level Agreement signed by both parties.

Tusla is currently engaged with YAP Ireland in relation to the termination of the Service Level Agreement.

Question No. 32 answered with Question No. 16.