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Animal Welfare

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 November 2018

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Questions (312)

Brendan Griffin


312. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht her views on a matter (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [46298/18]

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My Department is responsible for implementing the EC Zoos Directive (Directive 1999/22/EC) which requires EU Member States to regulate zoos in accordance with its provisions. The Directive is transposed into national legislation in Ireland by Statutory Instrument No. 440 of 2003, the European Communities (Licensing and Inspection of Zoos) Regulations 2003. My Department has a statutory role to ensure all premises identified as zoos in Ireland are inspected and licensed, if appropriate, each year.

The Irish Standards of Modern Zoo Practice (ISMZP), published by my Department in 2016, provide clarity to zoos on what is expected of them in order to be in compliance with the legislation. Any premises that exhibits to the public animals of wild species for more than 7 days a year is classed as a zoo for the purpose of the legislation.

The facility in question was licensed although the Department’s inspection team had noted a number of significant improvements needed to comply with the legal requirements arising from the EU Directive. The inspectors  provided the owners with positively-framed advice on how to achieve compliance. An  inspection was scheduled in June 2018. However, the owners contacted my Department on the 29th May, stating that they would no longer open to the public and requesting that the inspection be cancelled. Officials from the National Parks and Wildlife Service were in contact at the time with the owners on this matter.

I would stress that my Department does not necessarily expect that all establishments will meet all the required standards on the first inspection. The zoo inspectorate works closely with the owners on an achievable and agreed plan to bring them up to the standard required and ensure the best possible conditions for animal populations and also to ensure that wider biodiversity and conservation objectives are realised. 

In recent years, my Department has identified an increased number of pet farms and private collections who choose to exhibit animals of wild species to the public on a commercial basis. My Department plays an important role in monitoring such premises and setting policy and guidelines that help raise standards across the sector, essential for the welfare of the animal populations in the zoos and in ensuring that health and safety standards are maintained for all staff and visitors.
