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Tuesday, 13 Nov 2018

Written Answers Nos. 227-243

DEIS Scheme

Questions (227)

Catherine Martin


227. Deputy Catherine Martin asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he has given consideration to the provision of an extra payment or allowance for teachers who remain teaching in DEIS schools for more than a five-year period in order to encourage the retention of experienced teachers in such schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46672/18]

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As the Deputy is aware, DEIS is my Department’s main policy initiative to tackle educational disadvantage. DEIS Plan 2017 has as its third goal - To improve the capacity of school leaders and teachers to engage, plan and deploy resources to their best advantage. Schools who have been designated as DEIS are provided with a range of additional supports under the School Support Programme (SSP) including lower class sizes for those schools with the highest levels of disadvantage. Administrative principals are also allocated on a lower enrolment and staffing figures than apply in primary schools generally and post primary schools have an enhanced guidance allocation. Teachers in DEIS schools also have priority access to CPD and the Centre for School Leadership.

Success in education is built inter alia on the quality of leadership and ingenuity in teaching and we are fortunate in Ireland to attract high calibre people to the fields of teaching and training who deliver to high standards. As Minister for Education and Skills, I acknowledge the commitment shown by all teachers, in particular those in DEIS schools. However, I wish to advise the Deputy that at the present time, my Department is not considering the provision of an extra allowance for teachers in DEIS schools.

Student Grant Scheme Eligibility

Questions (228)

Catherine Martin


228. Deputy Catherine Martin asked the Minister for Education and Skills his views on whether it is equitable that a mature student seeking to return to education to undergo a level 8 degree should be denied financial support towards the student's fees in the event that this person already has a level 8 degree obtained at a private university in another EU member state and the student did not have recourse to the free fees scheme operating here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46673/18]

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Under the terms of the Student Grant Scheme, grant assistance is awarded to students attending an approved course in an approved institution who meet the prescribed conditions of funding, including those relating to nationality, residency, previous academic attainment and means.

To satisfy the terms and conditions of the student grant scheme in relation to progression, a student must be moving from year to year within a course, having successfully completed the previous year or be transferring from one course to another where the award for the subsequent course is of a higher level than the previous course.

Under the progression/previous academic attainment criteria of the scheme, a grant will not be paid to a student for a repeat period of study on the same course, or for a different course at the same level, irrespective of whether or not a grant was paid previously. The objective of this policy is to help as many students as possible to obtain one qualification at each level of study.

If the person to whom the Deputy refers is ineligible for a SUSI grant, there are some other options which could be pursued.

Students in third-level institutions experiencing exceptional financial need can apply for support under the Student Assistance Fund. This Fund assists students, in a sensitive and compassionate manner, who might otherwise be unable to continue their third level studies due to their financial circumstances. Details of this fund are available from the Access Office in the college attended. This fund is administered on a confidential, discretionary basis.

Also, tax relief at the standard rate of tax may be claimed in respect of tuition fees paid for approved courses at approved colleges of higher education, including approved postgraduate courses in EU Member States and in non-EU countries. Further information on this tax relief is available from the Revenue Commissioners on

Minor Works Scheme Payments

Questions (229)

Mary Butler


229. Deputy Mary Butler asked the Minister for Education and Skills when the minor works grant 2018 will issue to schools; if it will issue before the end of 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46707/18]

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On 14 September 2018, the announcement of the major package of investment in education under Project Ireland 2040 confirmed that, starting this year, all primary schools will receive the €29 million minor works grant in either December or early January of each school year.

I expect to make an announcement shortly with regard to the timing of the payment of the Minor Works Grant for the current school year.

Special Educational Needs

Questions (230)

Thomas Pringle


230. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of negotiations on the issue of SNA training being funded by the State as opposed to by individual SNAs; if the recommendation for this change by the National Council for Special Education is being considered; if same will be supported; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46712/18]

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The current entry level qualification for Special Needs Assistants is set out in my Department's circular 0021/2011 which requires a FETAC level 3 major qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications, OR a minimum of three grade Ds in the Junior Certificate, OR the equivalent.

The Comprehensive Review of the Special Needs Assistant Scheme which set out to ensure that the Scheme is achieving the best outcomes possible for children with special educational needs was published by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) in May this year.

The Review recommends the development of a national training programme at FETAC level 5 on the National Framework of Qualifications for existing and new SNAs, recognising the fundamental importance of building schools' capacity to meet students' additional care needs.

In response to the Review, I have undertaken to develop proposals for the implementation of the NCSE's recommendations and to return to Government following engagement with the Departments of Public Expenditure and Reform and Health, with a proposed implementation plan to include governance and accountability framework and detailed costings of proposals.

Speech and Language Therapy Provision

Questions (231)

Aindrias Moynihan


231. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Education and Skills if extra funding to facilitate extra hours of speech and language therapy at a school (details supplied) will be provided; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46740/18]

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Written answers

I wish to advise the Deputy that Speech and Language Therapy Services are under the remit of the Minister for Health and the service is provided by the Health Service Executive (HSE). The Deputy's question regarding the provision of speech therapy is therefore a matter for the Health Service Executive (HSE) and should be referred to the Department of Health for direct reply.

I can advise, however, that a demonstration project to provide in-school and pre-school therapy services will take place over the 2018/19 school year.

Schools Building Projects

Questions (232)

Catherine Martin


232. Deputy Catherine Martin asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to appeal the decision to refuse planning for a new primary school building (details supplied) and a physical education hall for two schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46765/18]

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My Department’s officials are reviewing this decision in consultation with planning advisers and the technical team and assessing all options including the consideration of an appeal to An Bord Pleanála.

The schools in question have been notified of the decision and my officials will continue to update the schools on this matter.

Pupil-Teacher Ratio

Questions (233)

Mattie McGrath


233. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will reconsider a decision to cut a teacher from a school (details supplied); the reason for the loss of this teacher; his views regarding class sizes in this school; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46787/18]

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The key factor for determining the level of staffing resources provided at individual school level is the staffing schedule for the relevant school year and pupil enrolments on the previous 30 September. However, the staffing arrangements for primary schools includes the provision whereby schools experiencing rapid increases in enrolment can apply for additional permanent mainstream posts on developing grounds, using projected enrolment for the following September, in this case September 2018.

The school referred to by the Deputy applied for a developing post for the 2018/19 school year and was approved the post on the basis of projected enrolments. The actual enrolment of the school on 30 September 2018 was insufficient to retain the post and so the school was informed that the post was to be suppressed with effect from Friday, 26 October 2018. An appeals process is available to schools such as the one referred to by the Deputy. The last meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board was held in October. The school did not submit a staffing appeal to that meeting.

Third Level Funding

Questions (234)

Jack Chambers


234. Deputy Jack Chambers asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to fund the third level education sector; the way in which he will address the recent years of serious underfunding of the sector; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46853/18]

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Written answers

My Department is working to continue re-investment in Higher Education building on the progress made in Budgets 2017 and 2018. Current expenditure on higher education, excluding pay restoration and pension provision, will increase by 10% in 2019 compared to 2016. We are adopting a number of measures to address the financial challenges in higher education and to ensure that higher education investment is responsive to key strategic priorities.

Budget 2019 continued the Government’s prioritisation of reinvestment in higher education. Through the budget, we have provided €57 million in additional current funding for the higher education sector. This is in addition to separate funding that has been provided for pay deals and pensions, amounting to an additional €41 million in 2019.

This new current funding will be used to fund the following measures:

- provision for 3,500 additional places in our higher education institutions

- initiatives to support innovation and reward excellence

- investment in teaching and learning capacity, and management and leadership

- 1,000 additional places on Springboard+,

- a new research fund for Institutes of Technology/TUs, and

- an expansion of part-time and flexible learning opportunities.

Budget 2019 also announced a new Human Capital Initiative that will involve investment of €300 million in higher education over the 5 year period from 2020 to 2024, with €60 million being made available in each of those years. This investment will be funded by the National Training Fund surplus. A major objective of the Initiative is to incentivise continued reform and innovation drawing on international best practice through such mechanisms as graduate conversion, accelerated course completion, flexible and blended learning, intensified focus on employability and strengthened linkages and relationships with enterprise. It represents a significant response to projected demographic pressures impacting on the HE sector over the next five years, as highlighted in the Expert Group Report on Future Funding.

The National Training Fund is being reformed to make it more labour market focused, responsive to skills needs and providing additional investment in Further and Higher Education. Progress in implementing reforms has enabled an increase in the NTF levy by 0.1% respectively in both 2018 and 2019, with a commitment to a further 0.1% increase in 2020.

In order to build a political consensus regarding a future approach to funding the higher Education Sector the Minister for Education and Skills referred the expert group report to the Parliamentary Committee on Education for their consideration. After a period of 18 months, the Committee wrote back to the Minister in January 2018 requesting that the Ministry of Education and Skills undertake an economic examination of the three policy options proposed by the expert group to assist the Committee in forming its view of the most appropriate option.

The Department has applied for the support of the Structural Reform Support Programme 2017-2020 in undertaking this economic analysis of the three policy options identified by the expert group. The closing date for applications was 31 October 2018. A decision is awaited on the outcome of the application. Successful projects are expected to proceed in early 2019. Having this evaluation undertaken through the Commission’s Structural Reform Support Programme will provide the type of international expertise, analysis, and objectivity that would be beneficial to a major evaluation of this nature.

In addition, the Department and the HEA are currently reforming the model by which funding is allocated to our higher education institutions. The independent panel’s review provides a roadmap for transitioning towards a reformed funding model that is more transparent, consistent across higher education institutions, that incentivises actions in key strategic areas such as research and STEM provision, and supports improved accountability while also respecting institutional autonomy. This will ensure that the additional funding that has been made available for higher education is targeted effectively and that institutions are held accountable for how they use public resources.

Schools Building Regulations

Questions (235)

Stephen Donnelly


235. Deputy Stephen S. Donnelly asked the Minister for Education and Skills if a clerk of works was appointed for the construction of a school (details supplied); if the clerk conducted inspections of the building; if those inspections included issues relating to fire safety and-or structural issues; if these issues were raised with the company contracted to build the school; if the company committed to addressing these concerns as part of a snag list; if a clerk of works or another company acting on behalf of his Department signed off on the snag list as complete; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46932/18]

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Written answers

I wish to advise the Deputy that since 2017 the Department has adopted a policy of appointing Clerks of Works to projects under construction. However, the school in question was completed prior to this and did not have a Clerk of Works.

It should be noted that the responsibility to provide the detailed design, to obtain fire certification and to erect and certify the buildings rests with the Design and Build Contractor and his design team. The contractor and his Design Team are wholly responsible for the construction and certification of the building.

Prior to final close out of contracts the Department's consultants carry out an inspection of the building which was effected in this case in the company of the School Principal, the Contractor and his Architects who confirmed that all defects had been satisfactorily completed.

Question No. 236 answered with Question No. 210.

Schools Establishment

Questions (237)

Catherine Murphy


237. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 314 of 12 June 2018, if he has identified a short list of suitable sites in Leixlip, Maynooth and Naas for the proposed eight-classroom primary schools that will be established; the process that will deliver the schools; the timeline for their delivery; the estimated time for enrolment of pupils; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46946/18]

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Written answers

As the Deputy is aware, my Department recently announced plans for the establishment of 42 new schools over the next 4 years (2019 to 2022), including:

- a new 8-classroom primary school to be established in 2019 to serve the Leixlip school planning area,

- a new 8-classroom primary school to be established in 2019 to serve the Maynooth school planning area, and

- a new 8-classrooms primary school to be established in 2021 to serve the Naas school planning area.

An initial phased start-up is envisaged for the new schools, which typically involves the use of interim accommodation. However, this is the first time the requirement for new schools is set out over a 4-year horizon and this will provide a better lead-in period for the planning and delivery of permanent accommodation solutions.

In line with the policy on the use of state assets (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circulars 11/15 and 17/16), my Department will be seeking to maximise the use of sites already in my ownership and of available properties in the ownership of other State bodies, where these are considered suitable.

In addition as part of my Department's ongoing engagement with Local Authorities in respect of statutory planning processes and under the MoU on school site acquisitions, my Department will be examining all potential suitable site options, including appropriately zoned sites, to serve the relevant areas.

Taking into account all of the above, decisions will then be made as part of the site acquisition process in relation to appropriate sites for all the schools announced and will be confirmed at a later date.

The Department’s Design and Build Programme will be the main delivery mechanism for providing permanent accommodation for the 42 new schools.

The schools will open in September 2019 in the case of those to serve the Leixlip and Maynooth school planning areas and in September 2021 in the case of that to serve the Naas school planning area.

Schools Building Projects Status

Questions (238)

John Curran


238. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Education and Skills the timeframe for the appointment of contractors for a school building project (details supplied) that has received approval to progress the project to stage 2B; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46951/18]

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Written answers

The major building project for the school referred to by the Deputy is at an advanced stage of Architectural Planning – Stage 2b (Detailed Design) which includes the application for statutory approvals and the preparation of tender documents. All statutory approvals have been secured.

A revised Brief Change Request has recently been reviewed and approved by the Department. Dublin Dún Laoghaire Educational and Training Board has been advised by the Department to instruct its Design Team to incorporate the approved Brief Change Request into the Stage 2(b) submission. The Design Team is currently proceeding to complete work on the Stage 2(b) report.

Upon receipt and review of the Stage 2(b) submission, my Department will revert to Dublin Dún Laoghaire Educational and Training Board with regard to the further progression of this project at that time.

Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board

Questions (239)

Catherine Connolly


239. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 320 of 6 November 2018, the measures in place at Caranua to deal with the influx of applications since the announcement of the cessation date pursuant to note 4, Caranua board minutes of 9 August 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46956/18]

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Written answers

My understanding is that, despite the wording used in the Board minutes, there has been no major spike in the number of incoming applications to Caranua. However, because Caranua is an independent statutory body, I have no role in relation to its day to day operations. There is an appropriate agreed channel which members of the Oireachtas may use in order to seek direct responses from Caranua to specific queries. In this instance, I have asked that Caranua respond directly to your query.

Special Educational Needs Staff

Questions (240)

John Curran


240. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Education and Skills when a review being undertaken by a SENO for additional SNA support in a school (details supplied) will be completed; if the case will be reviewed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46980/18]

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The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible for allocating a quantum of Special Needs Assistant (SNA) support for each school annually taking into account the assessed care needs of children qualifying for SNA support enrolled in the school.

The NCSE allocates SNA support to schools in accordance with the criteria set out in Department Circular 0030/2014, which is available on the Department's website at, in order that students who have care needs can access SNA support as and when it is needed.

My Department’s policy is to ensure that every child who is assessed as needing SNA support will receive access to such support.

As this question relates to a particular school, I have referred the question to the NCSE for their direct reply. I do not have a role in making determinations in individual cases.

Departmental Staff Data

Questions (241)

Michael Moynihan


241. Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of senior positions held by both men and women, respectively, in his Department. [46998/18]

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The information requested by the Deputy is set out in the following tabular format:




Secretary General



Assistant Secretary General



Chief Inspector



Principal Officer



Principal Officer equivalent



Assistant Principal Officer



Assistant Principal Officer equivalent



School Patronage

Questions (242)

Ruth Coppinger


242. Deputy Ruth Coppinger asked the Minister for Education and Skills the patronage process for the new second level school in the Drumcondra, Marino and Dublin 1 areas; if access to a non-denominational second level school for the Cabra, Phibsborough and Dublin 7 areas will be provided in view of the increasing population in the area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47037/18]

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Written answers

As the Deputy will be aware, in April this year the Government announced plans for the establishment of 42 new schools over the next four years (2019 to 2022). This announcement followed nationwide demographic exercises carried out by my Department into the future need for primary and post-primary schools across the country and the 4-year horizon will enable increased lead-in times for planning and delivery of the necessary infrastructure.

While the announcement did not include a new post-primary school for the Drumcondra-Marino-Dublin 1 and Cabra-Phibsboro-D7 school planning areas, the requirement for new schools will be kept under on-going review and in particular would have regard for the increased roll-out of housing provision as outlined in Project Ireland 2040.

A patronage process is run after it has been decided, based on demographic analysis, that a new school is required. This patronage process is open to all patron bodies and prospective patrons. Parental preferences for each patron, from parents of children who reside in the school planning areas concerned, together with the extent of diversity currently available in these areas, are key to decisions in relation to the outcome of this process.

Fire Safety Regulations

Questions (243)

Aindrias Moynihan


243. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the representative sample of up to 25 schools (details supplied) that were being inspected after September 2017; and the nature and extent of inspections carried out in each. [47087/18]

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My Department initiated a programme of fire safety assessments in 55 schools in Q4 2017. This involved 30 schools constructed by the company referred to by the Deputy under Design and Build contracts and a representative sample of 25 other schools constructed over the last 20 years.

Fire Safety Consultants have visited all 55 schools and to date 51 initial Fire Safety Assessment reports have been received in my Department with the remaining 4 reports due in the coming weeks. The Fire Safety Consultants have engaged directly with the fire officers in their respective local authorities to advise of remedial works planned and under way.
