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Commencement of Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 15 November 2018

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Questions (111)

Catherine Murphy


111. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Health the date on which the Children and Family Relationships (Amendment) Act 2018 will commence; if he has encountered issues preventing its immediate commencement; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47467/18]

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The Children and Family Relationships (Amendment) Bill 2018 was enacted on 24 July 2018. This Act was introduced to correct typographical and technical errors in the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015, which will facilitate the subsequent commencement of Parts 2 & 3 of the Act. Parts 2 & 3 of the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015 contain provisions relating to the regulation of donor-assisted human reproduction (DAHR) procedures carried out in the State, including dealing with the rights of children born as a result of those procedures. There are important administrative and operational arrangements to be put in place to facilitate the implementation of Parts 2 & 3, including the establishment of the National Donor-Conceived Person Register and the appointment of authorised persons under the Act. It is my intention that Parts 2 & 3 of the Act will be commenced as soon as possible.
