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Office of Public Works Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 November 2018

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Questions (126)

Michael Healy-Rae


126. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if reinforcement works on Fenit Island (details supplied) will be considered; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48535/18]

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The Department for Housing, Planning and Local Government has overall responsibility for Government policy on coastal strategy.  In the first instance, the management of problems of coastal protection in the area indicated remains a matter for Kerry County Council.  They may carry out coastal protection works using their own resources, but where necessary, they may also put forward proposals to relevant central Government Departments, including the OPW, for funding of appropriate measures depending on the infrastructure or assets under threat.  

Following the severe storms of Winter 2013/2014 and on foot of submissions made by the Local Authority, funding of €1,243,270 was allocated to Kerry County Council for coastal protection repair works for infrastructure damaged during those storms.  This initial allocation included funding of €44,000 drawn-down for a project at Fenit Beach.  This funding was a once off allocation and no further funding is available under this stream.  The submitted and agreed programme of storm damage repair works did not include works for a project to repair the sea wall at Fenit Island.  

The OPW also operates the Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme, under which applications for funding from Local Authorities are considered for measures costing up to €750,000 in each instance.  It is open to Kerry County Council to apply for funding under this scheme.  Funding of up to 90% of the cost is available for projects that meet the eligibility criteria, including a requirement that the proposed measures are cost beneficial.

Funding of €176,166 was approved under this scheme on the 10th July, 2018 for a coastal project at Kilfenora, Fenit.

Funding of €225,000 was also approved in March, 2018 for a Coastal Erosion & Flood Risk Management Study for the Tralee Bay region (Ballyheigue to Brandon Point) – the Local Authority has advised that access issues at Fenit Island are listed in the areas of particular concern.  The OPW understands that the Local Authority is currently in the process of appointing Consultants to carry out this Study.  Because intervention within a coastal area may cause problems further along the coast, any proposed intervention measures are best developed in conjunction with a formal coastal erosion risk management study to carefully investigate the problem and explore the full range of management options.
