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Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 November 2018

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Questions (564)

John Brady


564. Deputy John Brady asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the criteria used to determine whether a person can remain in receipt of the part-time job incentive scheme payment beyond one year; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [49023/18]

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The Part-Time Job Incentive (PTJI) is a scheme for the long-term unemployed who can take up part-time employment for less than 24 hours per week and continue to receive a weekly payment.  The scheme can provide assistance to long-term unemployed who can only find part-time work and who fail the ‘4 in 7’ jobseeker’s rule or do not qualify for the Working Family Payment.

 The scheme is intended as a stepping stone to full-time work and the person must continue to look for full-time work while in receipt of the payment.  It supports those who secure intermittent or temporary part-time employment and facilitates them in re-engaging and participating in the labour market.

 To qualify for the part-time job incentive scheme a person must have been unemployed on a long-term basis.  In addition, they must have been in receipt of a higher jobseeker's payment rate than the appropriate part-time job incentive supplement payable.  The personal rate for PTJI is currently €125.40 per week for a single person or €204.50 per week for those with a Qualified Adult.  Earnings from the part-time job do not affect the rate of payment.  The duration for which payment under the PTJI scheme can be awarded is initially for up to one year but in exceptional circumstances, subject to review, it may be extended for a further period.

 Part-time workers in the educational section such as school-bus drivers and wardens who are participating in the PTJI scheme are paid for the duration of their employment usually in line with the academic year.  As they are not paid for holiday periods their claim ceases and they may claim a jobseeker's or other payment for the duration of the school holiday periods.  It is open to them to make a new claim for the PTJI scheme when they resume work, provided all other conditions are satisfied.

Any changes to the part-time job incentive scheme  would have to be considered in a budgetary and policy context.  
