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Schools Building Projects Administration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 November 2018

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Questions (108)

Bríd Smith


108. Deputy Bríd Smith asked the Minister for Education and Skills the cost relating to the operation of the various competitive tendering models or public procurement models used in education to build schools at primary and secondary levels since 2008, that is, the costs involved in selecting a winner to build schools not the actual cost of the building; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49214/18]

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There are two methods of tendering (the Restricted procedure and the Open procedure) for the appointment of main building contractors on school building projects.

 For less complex projects of a small to medium scale, the open procedure is generally used and all contractors meeting the minimum standards are entitled to submit a tender (thus facilitating the inclusion of small to medium enterprises and those with no experience in educational projects).

For larger or more complex projects, where it is considered that pre-qualification of contractors is warranted, the Restricted procedure is normally used. In the Restricted procedure, there is an intermediary qualification stage during which the numbers of applicants is reduced (or restricted) to a specified amount (normally 8 - 10).

For my Departments “Rapid” programme the pre-qualification stage involves tendering for a framework of Contractors to which individual projects are then tendered.

The costs of the tender process (Stage 3 of my Departments Design Team Procedures) vary from project to project but are primarily determined by the design team fees tendered by the design team or project management team at the time of their appointment.

As a guide, the following information on tender competitions for four recent representative projects has been compiled for the Deputy’s information. Schools A and B were delivered under the Traditional Architectural Planning model. Schools C and D were delivered as part of the "Rapid" programme.


Brief for Project

Building Contractor Contract Amount

(excl VAT)

Amount of Stage 3 Fees (inc vat) 

School A

26 classroom Special School



School B

Construct 8 new classrooms and a GP Hall plus refurbishment of the existing 16 classrooms to provide accommodation for a 24 classroom school



School C

1000 pupil post-primary school plus 2 class SNU



School D

24 classroom primary school plus 2 classroom SNU



