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Compulsory Purchase Orders

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 November 2018

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Questions (247)

Maurice Quinlivan


247. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if she has considered buying or compulsorily purchasing a site (details supplied) in view of the fact that it is an important historic landmark in the area; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [49867/18]

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The property referred to by the Deputy is included in the statutory Record of Monuments and Places and, as such, is protected under the National Monuments Acts.

Because of the resource implications, the State is only ever in a position to acquire, maintain and present to the public a relatively small number of heritage properties and monuments. My Department makes such acquisitions from time to time in exceptional circumstances in line with their archaeological, architectural, historical or other special significance.

There are already approximately 1000 national monuments in State care which demand very extensive resource allocations, both in terms of funding and personnel. The care, maintenance and presentation of each of these national monuments is undertaken by the Office of Public Works in consultation and with the advice of my Department’s National Monuments Service. Against the background of the resources needed to service the extensive portfolio of monuments already in State care, I regret that it is not possible at present to consider adding this particular site to that list.
