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Special Educational Needs Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 December 2018

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Questions (124)

Billy Kelleher


124. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to remedy a matter (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52420/18]

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The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible for determining the appropriate staffing levels in relation to the support of pupils with special educational needs in special schools, in accordance with the policies of my Department.

Since 2012, special schools are provided with teaching staff on the basis of the pupil population and the disability categorisations of those pupils, as opposed to being based principally on school designation, in accordance with my Department's Circular 0042/2011. Special school staffing allocations  are reviewed and updated each year by the NCSE and schools are staffed on the basis of each year’s current school enrolments.  

In Budget 2019, it was announced that for the school year 2019/2020, funding will be provided for administrative deputy principal posts in special schools that have a principal and 15 class teachers or more. This change is in recognition of the additional administrative needs of special schools which operate on substantially reduced pupil teacher ratios.

Special Education Teachers (previously Resource and Learning Support Teachers) are provided under the Special Education Teaching allocation model, introduced in mainstream primary and post primary schools for the 2017/2018 school year, providing additional teaching support to pupils with special educational needs. Special Schools are not included under this model, as their staffing is provided as outlined above.

The Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Scheme is a school-based intervention provided to DEIS schools to address the needs of all pupils/families at risk of educational disadvantage through acknowledging and developing the role of the parent as prime educator. The role of the HSCL Coordinator is to work primarily with the salient adults in the child’s life, in order to empower them, so that they can better support their children to attend school, participate in education and develop positive attitudes to life-long learning. Central to the HSCL initiative, is the identification of educational needs and the provision of a tailored and proportionate response to those needs, through a range of interventions, which are evidence-based, focused and structured.

While the HSCL scheme is funded by my Department, Tusla the Child and Family Agency, which is the dedicated state agency responsible for improving well-being and outcomes for children has responsibility for the management of the HSCL Scheme.

With enhanced pupil teacher and SNA ratios provided to special schools to support them in dealing with pupils' educational and care needs, teaching staff typically have extensive engagement with parents, HSE multi-disciplinary teams and the NCSE.

In addition to planning and coordinating the provision of education and support services to children with special educational needs, each NCSE SENO works in an assigned local area with parents, schools, teachers, psychologists, health professionals and other staff who are involved in the provision of services in that area for children with special educational needs.

In dealing with parents of children with special educational needs, SENOs will keep parents informed of what resourcing decisions are being made on their child’s behalf. The SENO will also discuss any concerns that parents have about the present or future educational needs of their child. SENOs recognise that parents/guardians are the key stakeholders with regard to the child and are committed to forging good relationships with parents and parent groups. The SENO is available to parents to discuss any issues they have and to offer support and expertise. SENOs are also available to give presentations to groups of parents, advocacy groups etc.

I have recently requested the NCSE to undertake policy advice on the educational provision that should be in place for students educated in special schools and classes and make recommendations on the provision required to enable students in special schools and classes achieve better outcomes.

The NCSE have been asked to complete and submit it’s report to the Minister not later than June 2020.
