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Teagasc Courses

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 December 2018

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Questions (196)

Charlie McConalogue


196. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if cases have been brought to his attention regarding outstanding green certificates to be issued by certification operators to persons who have successfully completed the certificate and passed in 2018; the number of such cases his attention has been drawn to date in 2018; and if he will permit persons who have successfully passed the exams in 2018 and that are still waiting on certificates to be issued by operators to be eligible to qualify and receive 2018 payments under the national reserve, young farmers scheme and BPS in view of the fact that the issuing of certificates is beyond their control. [52405/18]

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The Green Cert programme is delivered by Teagasc and accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) an independent State agency, operating under the auspices of the Department of Education and Science, and responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland. The date of issue of QQI certifications is a matter for QQI and neither Teagasc nor my Department has any input into the matter.

Applicants to the 2018 National Reserve and the Young Farmers Scheme were required to have successfully completed a recognised course of education in agriculture giving rise to a QQI award at Level 6 or its equivalent by the 15 May 2018. The Teagasc Green Cert programme meets the education requirements of the National Reserve and Young Farmers Scheme.

Where delays arise in issuing formal certifications, education providers can furnish applicants with a “Pending Certification’ letter, which is accepted by my Department with a copy of the results for the purpose of processing applications under the National Reserve and the Young Farmers Scheme.
