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Departmental Budgets

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 13 December 2018

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Questions (35)

Bernard Durkan


35. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which she remains satisfied regarding the adequacy of the budget available to her Department to cater for the full extent of its responsibilities including the protection of children, the monitoring of at risk cases the follow-up as necessary; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [52438/18]

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I am pleased to inform the Deputy that the gross amount of funding being made available to my Department in Budget 2019 will be €1.511 billion which represents an increase of 9% over its allocation for 2018. The allocation includes a current provision of €1.479 billion and a capital allocation of €32 million.

Just over half of the total funding, or €786 million, is targeted at public services within Tusla to protect children and to provide for their welfare. A further €574 million will help us to build an accessible, affordable and high quality childcare system.

I have secured an additional €110 million for Tusla since becoming Minister in 2016. With regard to 2019 funding, I am pleased to confirm that the agency will receive an additional €33 million.

This will bring Tusla’s overall allocation to €786 million which represents an increase of 4% over the 2018 allocation. €25 million of the overall increase will be used to meet increasing costs associated with existing services.

In addition to this, the extra funding I secured for Tusla will be used to progress a number of key priorities including the implementation of recommendations made by HIQA following its investigation into the management of child sexual abuse allegations.

Together with experts from Tusla, the Gardaí, children’s rights campaigners and advocates I have been examining how we can improve our support and help to children who have been sexually abused.

Funding has now been secured to allow us to pilot a new approach which will ensure that children do not have to relive their abuse by having to retell their experience over and over again. A new One House model will be piloted in 2019, and this represents a joint approach across three Government Departments and three statutory agencies.

Throughout the country I have seen at first hand the work of Family Resource Centres in transforming lives. I secured additional funding for Family Resources Centres in 2018 and I am pleased to be able to provide further support again with an increase of €1.5 million in funding in 2019.

I am satisfied that the significant additional resources secured for 2019 will enable my Department and its agencies build on the good work achieved to date. The extra funding continues this Government’s commitment to provide high quality services for children and young people.

Question No. 36 answered with Question No. 23.